Low carb diet but high blood sugars

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Started the low carb diet a few weeks ago (even though i generally had good readings) but I've started getting higher readings even though I'm eating less carbs. Sometimes they are ok but if I up my lantus then I'll hypo in bed early morning. Any reason my bloods may be higher even though i'm doing low carb? I exercise every day, male & eat very healthy.
How few carbs are you eating @wootty ? With no/very few carbs in a meal, people often need to inject for protein.
Hi. Do you also use a bolus (meal time) insulin? If not then that is your problem. In the absence of enough carbs in your meals, the body will break down protein to release glucose. For me this typically happens about 2 hours after a meal snd the glucose release from protein will be slow compared to the spike from carbs, so I typically need to inject a corrective bolus dose 2 hours after my low carb meals and sometimes another correction after that if levels continue to rise because of the slow release.
For instance, if I have a 2-3 egg omelette for breakfast with a large side salad, I will need to inject a couple of units 2 hours after the meal and may need another unit an hour after that to keep my levels stable and in range. It is very likely that your body will be different but don't assume that you won't need bolus insulin because you are eating low carb, you just need to use if differently to injecting for carbs. If you are trying to control your levels through low carb in the hope of not needing quick acting insulin, you are probably kidding yourself. If your team are saying that you don't need quick acting bolus insulin because your levels are not spiking, then you may be doing yourself an injustice by following a low carb diet. Eat a normal diet and get them to prescribe bolus insulin and then you can decide whether you want to continue with a low carb diet or follow a normal healthy diet but you will likely need that bolus insulin regardless.

If you decide to continue with a low carb diet and exercise, you might be better asking for Levemir as your basal as it is more flexible than Lantus and you can adjust the day and night time doses separately. For instance when I do a lot of exercise on consecutive days I need less and less evening Levemir down to zero, but I need lots through the day. My current split is 20-22units in the morning but 0-4 in the evening. It has a slightly shorter activity profile than Lantus which makes it just a bit more flexible. If you currently take your Lantus at night, you might find it works better for you if you take it first thing in the morning when you wake up and before you get out of bed. Lots of exercise will usually drop overnight levels but low carb during the day will result in more basal coverage being beneficial to help mop up some of the slow protein release. That is what I find, but you need to experiment to see if your body responds in a similar way.
Thank you for your replies, I think i'll just go back to carb counting. I just did the diet myself as an experiment but it seems more effort than it's worth. Thanks again.

Different diets suit different people. So, just try to find what works for you 🙂 I too can’t deal with eating minimal carbs, so even with a meal that could be very low carb, eg salmon and a salad, I always add some carbs mainly because it makes the insulin calculation simpler. I find protein gives a delayed rise and, although I have a pump, I can’t be bothered to faff with trying to cover that rise.

Anything under 130g is low carb, so you have some flexibility. I seem to eat moderate carbs - usually below 200g per day. You’ll find what works for you with some experimentation 🙂 Sadly, there’s no magic diet. If there was, I’d be eating it like a flash! They all take work, just in different ways.
Hi. I agree with the other post about Bolus. As a T1 you should be using a Bolus as well as Basal but you didn't mention adjusting that and that will have the greatest effect on BS.
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