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Type 2
Lately I have been asked to have the semagliptin jabs but I am already thin. I do not have much weight to lose coz my BMI is 19. What do I do?
I've just looked up Semagliptin and the results came back with Sitagliptin, which is the tablet I'm on. As far as I'm aware it doesn't have any weight loss properties..............if only it did in my case.
Lately I have been asked to have the semagliptin jabs but I am already thin. I do not have much weight to lose coz my BMI is 19. What do I do?
According to the NHS website Sitagliptin does not usually make people lose weight or put on any weight.

I wonder if the OP means Semaglutide injections as I believe this is a diabetes medication which aids weight loss. They are currently in short supply I understand, partly because numerous celebrities have been disclosed to be using them. Many people who are already prescribed them are struggling to get prescriptions filled and I think that prescribing it in this situation to a patient who does not need to lose weight would probably be unhelpful.

I would suggest you make an appointment to "see" your doctor or nurse and discuss the issue. Some GPs make these decisions over the phone without seeing the patient or realizing that they don't need to lose weight.

What medication are you currently prescribed for your diabetes and what is your most recent HbA1c result. This is the blood test used to diagnose and track progress with diabetes and will be a number in excess of 47. I am guessing it may be quite high to suggest Semaglutide.

Can you tell us a bit about when you were diagnosed and what happened for that to come to light? ie. Was it a routine blood test (perhaps annual MOT) or were you symptomatic and if so which symptoms did you have?
I wonder if the OP means Semaglutide injections as I believe this is a diabetes medication which aids weight loss.
I think @Deb_l may have got it right as it would seem odd to prescribe weight loss medication for someone with a BMI of 19, don't you think?
Lately I have been asked to have the semagliptin jabs but I am already thin. I do not have much weight to lose coz my BMI is 19. What do I do?

Sounds like you might want to have a chat with your nurse or GP @Ellese and ask them what they are hoping the new med would do, and whether there is an alternative without the weight loss reputation (depending on which med it is!).

As other are saying, it does seem unlikely to be semaglutide, because the global shortage has meant that Drs have been advised not to start any new patients on GLP-1 meds until next year, and to switch people to alternatives where shortages are making prescriptions unreliable / difficult to fill for existing users.