Low blood sugars

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
What I should do help Would appreciate it.

type two diabetes, insulin dependent

sweting during the night hungry during the night

feeling going to pass during the day

shaking hands

been doing more exercise then normal

4mmo and was 5mmo this morning.
If you’re consistently going low, you need to reduce your basal insulin. What insulins are you on @Totalwar ?
Just looked at your older posts. I think you’re on Toujeo? Quite a large dose. You could reduce this by a few units. You could also make sure you’re going to bed on a reasonable blood sugar eg 8. If you don’t have a Libre, set an alarm for just before when you’re going hypo, then do a blood test and have top up glucose or carbs if needed.
I only just figured out that I was getting hypos.I have eaten main meal 13mmo.yes toujeo 92units and NovorRapid 6 units and checked keystones normal.i think I getting hypo during the night when sleeping.just meter and strip.i been good and checking sugar levels fasting.sorry fine hard using needlein my finagles all the time.
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If you are exercising more, then you need to reduce your Toujeo. I think the normal suggestion is reducing it by 10% and see how you get on. So for me on 22 units of basal insulin, I would reduce it by 2 units.
Not constantly low just panicing not use to low sugar to high normally
I have reduced from 115units to 92 units if I reduce anymore then my sugars level start going over 10mmo.i suppose eat something before i go to sleep and I don’t understand Basal is lol
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Basal insulin is your Toujeo. Mine is Levemir. It is the long acting insulin which deals with the glucose released from your liver day and night when you are not getting glucose from food. Bolus insulin is the meal time insulin, in your case NovoRapid which you inject before meals.
Have you reduced your Toujeo down from 115 to 92 in one go or has that been a slow steady reduction and was that on advice from your nurse or just off your own bat?
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