Low blood sugar.

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Sir Galahad

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone. I'm Steve. I have type 2.
I don't visit that often just read everybody else's. I don't follow any harsh diet but obviously no sugar and try to keep my intake of fats low. What is concerning me is my blood sugar is getting quite low lately , e.g. 3.6, 3.3. I've been averaging 4.5 to 8 for over a year now so I'm finding it a bit strange .Think I will have to make an appointment with the G.P.
So I'm asking all you experts out there, cos I'm not, what do you think? Thanks.
Hi everyone. I'm Steve. I have type 2.
I don't visit that often just read everybody else's. I don't follow any harsh diet but obviously no sugar and try to keep my intake of fats low. What is concerning me is my blood sugar is getting quite low lately , e.g. 3.6, 3.3. I've been averaging 4.5 to 8 for over a year now so I'm finding it a bit strange .Think I will have to make an appointment with the G.P.
So I'm asking all you experts out there, cos I'm not, what do you think? Thanks.
Hello Steve,
those numbers are a bit concerning so yes you need to take some action.

Are you on any medication? If you are then the obvious thing is to reduce it. If not then perhaps eat a few more carbs in your diet until you can talk to your GP. If you are on medication then be aware regarding driving and your ability to recognise lows.
Hi Steve, same thought as Pumper_Sue.... are you on any medication?
I see that you are a delivery driver so do test before you drive and make sure to top up with some sweets (jelly babies work well) or Dextrose tablets if your levels are below 5. Just 2-3 jelly babies or Dextrose tablets is usually enough and yes, get in touch with your GP. If you are not on any medication then it may not be of any real concern or perhaps you have a pot of strips which are defective/out of date/ compromised (they have a limited lifespan once opened) or maybe even that your meter is faulty but it you need checking out.
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