Low blood sugar?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello everyone this is my first post.

I was previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes in my last pregnancy (3 years ago).

I am now 25 weeks pregnant and testing once a month for a week. I haven't had any high readings so far but I've had a few low ones, I'm wondering if this is normal?

For example after lunch and tea my levels have varied between 5. 1 and 5 8. Is this normal?

I eat a variety of foods and have decent portions

Thank you for reading.
100% normal, non diabetes BG. However how long after those meals are you testing and what were your BGs immediately before you ate them?
Thanks for your reply!

The results were an hour after eating.

I'm not sure of the levels before but i could test them next time.
5.1 and 5.8 are normal blood sugars 🙂 At what gestation did you develop Gestational Diabetes previously? How high are your highest readings? As I’m sure you remember, the pregnancy targets are quite strict.

Welcome to the forum and Congratulations on your pregnancy 🙂
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