Low blood sugar

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I’ve had diabetes type 2 for years. I’m currently under Christie’s for blood tests (awaiting results) my blood sugar has always been high started at 30 and struggled to get into single figures. I’ve been on 1000 metform, insulin 66ml and 1.2 victosa for years. Now all of a sudden my blood sugar in the morning can be between 6-8 but by teatime it’s around 5. I’m eating lots including stuff I shouldn’t. Cereal, yogurts, chocolate, cake (not all the time ) and it’s still low. The nurse advised to lower insulin to 58 but it’s now even worse. That took 3 visits to the gp as they can’t understand why it’s dropping. Any advise would be so appreciated. Thank you
Have you changed your injection site @AndyB48 ? Have you had a coeliac screen (can affect absorption of food)?
What insulin are you taking (full name including any letters or numbers)? And what was your dose before it was dropped to 58 units?
What insulin are you taking (full name including any letters or numbers)? And what was your dose before it was dropped to 58 units?
It’s toujeo solostar and has been 66ml for years. Not heard of coeliac screen test would I ask diabetes nurse?
It’s toujeo solostar and has been 66ml for years.
Insulin is measured in units not mls 🙂
Obviously if you are still dropping then you need to drop your insulin more until you can eat normally and still stay in range.
You do not have to wait until the nurse says you can. Basically, you are being overdosed on insulin at the moment so need to do something about it.
100% this.
Also as you are undergoing tests at Christies I wonder how much other conditions are impacting on this. I wonder if you have been on steroids but are reducing the dose. Or if there has been a big weight loss either intentional or due to illness? Both of these could alter insulin requirements drastically especially the former scenario
It’s toujeo solostar and has been 66ml for years. Not heard of coeliac screen test would I ask diabetes nurse?

Your GP/surgery nurse would do it as a blood test from the arm. It’s just one possible cause of hypos, so it might get added to a load of tests. There are also hormone disorders that can cause hypos. So, plenty of suspects to rule out. I hope an answer is easily found for you.

Toujeo is a long-lasting basal (background) insulin. Perhaps you could ask if a twice-daily basal like Levemir would work? The advantage of that is you can have less or more in the evening compared to your morning dose, as needed. But first, if you’re continuing to have hypos on your reduced dose of Toujeo, it might well need reducing further. Better to be safe while they find out what’s causing this.
Sorry to hear your diabetes is throwing you a few curve balls recently @AndyB48 :(

It does sound like your doses still need further adjustment. It’s tricky when appointments are so far between and difficult to geet hold of. Might be worth asking for advice on what levels to aim for and what adjustments to consider making from your GP or nurse?
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