Low blood serum sodium

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've previously written on the forum about how low blood sodium wrecked my Mum's brain and led to her death.
Well my GP has now put me on low sodium watch! Blood test on Saturday showed that it was now down to the "abnormal" level of 129 (it was 141 three years ago but there has been a steady decline - I have it tested every six months and it was down in March but not as bad).
Test was repeated on Tuesday - still 129. I've got to have it repeated it again next Monday. In the meantime stop lansaprazole which means that I need to stop my ibuprofen which I desperately need for my pain levels.
Also had HBA1C done which was 6.9 - higher than normal for me but as I'd had several months of diabetic burnout prior to it plus I have gastroparesis I'm happy with the 6.9.
Please wish me luck with the next sodium test. Eating more salt won't help it.
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I've previously written on the forum about how low blood sodium wrecked my Mum's brain and led to her death.
Well my GP has now put me on low sodium watch! Blood test on Saturday showed that it was now down to the "abnormal" level of 129 (it was 141 three years ago but there has been a steady decline - I have it tested every six months and it was down in March but not as bad).
Test was repeated on Tuesday - still 129. I've got to have it repeated it again next Monday. In the meantime stop lansaprazole which means that I need to stop my ibuprofen which I desperately need for my pain levels.
Also had HBA1C done which was 6.9 - higher than normal for me but as I'd had several months of diabetic burnout prior to it plus I have gastroparesis I'm happy with the 6.9.
Please wish me luck with the next sodium test. Eating more salt won't help it.
Wishing you lots of luck with the results.
Sending you lots of luck @AJLang and a big hug <3 It sounds so stressful for you. I really hope they can help you get the sodium up a bit (can you have a saline drip or something?) and deal with this.
@AJLang I really hope you can get it all sorted out. Best wishes
I've previously written on the forum about how low blood sodium wrecked my Mum's brain and led to her death.
Well my GP has now put me on low sodium watch! Blood test on Saturday showed that it was now down to the "abnormal" level of 129 (it was 141 three years ago but there has been a steady decline - I have it tested every six months and it was down in March but not as bad).
Test was repeated on Tuesday - still 129. I've got to have it repeated it again next Monday. In the meantime stop lansaprazole which means that I need to stop my ibuprofen which I desperately need for my pain levels.
Also had HBA1C done which was 6.9 - higher than normal for me but as I'd had several months of diabetic burnout prior to it plus I have gastroparesis I'm happy with the 6.9.
Please wish me luck with the next sodium test. Eating more salt won't help it.
Hi AJLang i wish you all the luck in the world i hope it turns out well for you
Sending positive vibes and (((HUGS))) Amanda. Wishing you all the best in finding a solution to yet another health challenge!
Sorry to hear this Amanda, as you know, I also battle low sodium almost all the time. It's a pain but more so for you with your mum's experience and the impact on meds. Really hope and pray that the next test shows higher levels. Lots of love.
I've previously written on the forum about how low blood sodium wrecked my Mum's brain and led to her death.
Well my GP has now put me on low sodium watch! Blood test on Saturday showed that it was now down to the "abnormal" level of 129 (it was 141 three years ago but there has been a steady decline - I have it tested every six months and it was down in March but not as bad).
Test was repeated on Tuesday - still 129. I've got to have it repeated it again next Monday. In the meantime stop lansaprazole which means that I need to stop my ibuprofen which I desperately need for my pain levels.
Also had HBA1C done which was 6.9 - higher than normal for me but as I'd had several months of diabetic burnout prior to it plus I have gastroparesis I'm happy with the 6.9.
Please wish me luck with the next sodium test. Eating more salt won't help it.
Do you take blood pressure medications @AJLang? If so, worth checking those out. I went on a merry-go-round of fighting low sodium when I started in the lowest dose BP medication.

Fingers crossed for you.
Thank you everyone. I just wish that the GP would actually speak to me instead of it all being via messages with one of the clerical staff. @AndBreathe I am on a blood pressure medication that I've been on for a few years which was actually diagnosed for migraines. As I haven't had a chance to actually speak to the GP I decided yesterday to cut it down from 24mg to 16mg to see if that makes any difference to the sodium - obviously keeping an eye on my blood pressure at the same time 🙂
OK and now I have an urgent Moorfields appointment been made for me. When I went last week my eye wouldn't move properly and there was concern about it being a neurological issue. I was told that I would be referred to Moorfields orthoptics, just found out that it was classed as an urgent referral and the appointment is on November 1st.
The NHS must love me!!!
My poor partner is meant to be enjoying sabbatical and all that seems to be happening is medical appointments. I just want the energy and time to have some fun with him. Sorry for the rant.
just found out that it was classed as an urgent referral and the appointment is on November 1st.
The NHS must love me!!!
You must be privileged to have an apt so quickly.
I have been waiting 6 mths for an urgent eye apt still with no date.
Thank you everyone. I just wish that the GP would actually speak to me instead of it all being via messages with one of the clerical staff. @AndBreathe I am on a blood pressure medication that I've been on for a few years which was actually diagnosed for migraines. As I haven't had a chance to actually speak to the GP I decided yesterday to cut it down from 24mg to 16mg to see if that makes any difference to the sodium - obviously keeping an eye on my blood pressure at the same time 🙂

Sodium can bounce back quite quickly for some folks.

My sodium has always run around the bottom of the range, but it is also one of those tests where small margins in the result infer materially different meanings.

I'm with you on the nonsense of text messaging being the primary means of communication coming outbound from GPs at the moment. It really is not on.

Fingers crossed for the next test.
Thank you everyone. I just wish that the GP would actually speak to me instead of it all being via messages with one of the clerical staff.
OK and now I have an urgent Moorfields appointment been made for me. When I went last week my eye wouldn't move properly and there was concern about it being a neurological issue. I was told that I would be referred to Moorfields orthoptics, just found out that it was classed as an urgent referral and the appointment is on November 1st.

Sorry to hear about everything you’ve been going through @AJLang

And sorry that you’ve not heard things personally your GP which might have helped. :(
Thank you everyone. I had a kidney profile test this morning which includes the sodium. Keeping my fingers crossed for the result.
Also keeping fingers crossed for you. Good luck.
Latest sodium serum blood test has improved from abnormal to satisfactory. Not in normal range but back to where it was in May and will hopefully stay there.
Phew!! Bet you are relieved!
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