Low BG?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Over the last week I've been getting a number of low BG readings on my GlucoNavii.

Yesterday my waking level was 5.9 then 4.1 after 2hrs breakfast and a slow 5k run. Before a late lunch it was 3.4 and then 5.6 2 hrs later.

This morning waking was 6.5 but after a small breakfast (2 apricots and Greek yoghurt) a very fast PB 5k it was 2.1 retested at 2.4. I'm feeling fine. I've done this sort of thing before and never got such low results.
Do I need to be concerned? As I said I feel fine but I don't actually know what to lookout for when I genuinely have low BG.

I'm about to finish this pot of testing strips so will see what a new one throws up. I had 1 pot that 50%? came up with errors.
Over the last week I've been getting a number of low BG readings on my GlucoNavii.

Yesterday my waking level was 5.9 then 4.1 after 2hrs breakfast and a slow 5k run. Before a late lunch it was 3.4 and then 5.6 2 hrs later.

This morning waking was 6.5 but after a small breakfast (2 apricots and Greek yoghurt) a very fast PB 5k it was 2.1 retested at 2.4. I'm feeling fine. I've done this sort of thing before and never got such low results.
Do I need to be concerned? As I said I feel fine but I don't actually know what to lookout for when I genuinely have low BG.

I'm about to finish this pot of testing strips so will see what a new one throws up. I had 1 pot that 50%? came up with errors.
I think you're right to see what the new strips throw up. I'd say the odds are that these are likely erroneous readings, perhaps due to duff strips, if you've not made any changes and are feeling fine. I have never had readings in the twos (very rarely in threes) so can't say what to look out for.
I found some errant strips once, in the corner of my bag, and put then back into the tub and they all read really low. I bet the new tub will solve it
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