Low BG after moving house

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I don't normally have much trouble with my diabetes, but we moved house yesterday and I've had 4 hypo's in 24 hours and am struggling to keep my BG up even after a nights sleep :(

I did lots of lifting and carrying of all the usual furniture (beds, wardrobes, etc) and although I felt fine while I was doing it, my blood sugar plummeted after I stopped, even though I'd taken less insulin as I know I'd be active. Did all my usual hypo treatments, but still hypo'd another 2 times in the evening.

Even today after a good nights sleep, I can't seem to keep my BG up.

Anyone else had this happen to them after a particularly physically active day?


It always happens to me after one of my rare but intensive forays out into the jungle/garden 🙂 I think it has a lot to do with you probably using muscles you don't normally stress quite so much - for example, it doesn't happen to me when running. Hopefully, you won't need to move house too often! 🙂
Thanks Northerner - unfortunately we're hoping to move again in 6 months!

We sold our house quicker than expected (sold in 1 day!) and didn't find anywhere we wanted to buy, so we're renting for minimum of 6 months and hoping to buy after that.

Be interesting to see if the hypos happen again the next time we move 😱

Can't add any advice, but hope you are feeling OK after all the stress. I hate moving so much it has been over 20 years since I last moved!
It comes as no suprise, you be surprised how exercise effects blood sugar levels, when and how long they can impact on your control...

I moved 16 months ago, I wouldn't say that I was desparate to get out of the 2 bed flat, but from being offered the house on Thurdsay afternoon, everything was signed and sorted, I was packed moved within a week, which was a mean feat indeed, as we were working as well...

It was such short notice that we couldn't get a moving company in, and we couldn't source a transit van for the move😱 We actually or should I say me as I'm the only driver moved using a large trailer😱

On the day of the moves, hypo's were to prove the least of our worries, I amost landed up in hopsital

I woke with a very sore and swollen eye, didn't think a lot of it, carried on with the moving, but by early evening it was hurting etc, so hubby decided that a visit to the small injury unit was required... Boy did all hell let lose when they checked my eye, as I had cut the eyeball which had become infected pushing the pressure up😱 Phone calls start flying over to the main hospital (another town) A&E and eye consultant over there...

Me sat that quite addiment that I didn't want to go into hospital, so it was agreed with a very stern warning of pending blindness, that I would be allowed home on the promise that I rested, laid down did nothing etc, any signs of visiual dispruption or increased pain to get myself straight over to the main hospital A&E, ambulance if nessary perferably😱

Err sort of did what I was told, had to put my bed together first and sort a couple of other things out before retiring off to bed...
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