lovely man from Bayer

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Through our connections on CWD (the other forum) a nice man from Bayer came to my house today and paid for all the bbq food for our childrens 'survival party' we are having when we are away in the Cotswolds next week!
He paid ?238 and also gave Alex one of their super duper new 'contourusb' meters that looks very gadgety and you just put the whole meter into the side of the laptop and it does fancy graphs for you! It also holds other information - but I havent looked at it properly yet - will let you know what they are like.

He also offered to give us free conference rooms etc for our little support group that I and a another mum have started where we live - how good is that?🙂Bev
Thats brilliant Bev, he is a realy nice man indeed.
That's lovely! I would like a Bayer USB... Who knows I think I'll buy one sooner or later...

Nice one Bev- tastes so much better when it is free doesn't it😉
Love it! reps are always good for free good. I hope all the kids enjoy the holiday.
Thats great you've started up a support group I'm sure you'll help lots of families.
they are on the list of people to dicuss DiDkA with to see if they can help us as they offerd NiVZ free dipstix ...i want to find out if they have any other testing device for indicating sugar in drinks ...well they are the scientists arent they 🙂
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