Love my Pump. how you all doing

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Guys Just wonderd how you were all doing with your new pump or people who have had pumps for wee while 🙂

Im loving mine had lots of ups n downs and been finding it very difficult to get Basal Tests done ISF has been changed 3 times and now back on low carb diet hence last change last week, been trying for last 3 days only few out of many to try do Basal from 6 till midnight but had hypo everyday starting from 2.40 pm had correct carbs for lunch i know that for sure so talkd to Diabetes Nurse today as didnt know what needed changed than when i thought about it n saw pattern it had to be Bolus; Carb ratio seen as iv done Basal for through day 🙂 and i was right got email back to say from 12 miday to 2 pm iv to go 1:1.5 so will see how wee go tommr after lunch finally might manage to get basal done Mon giving myself 2 days of cause you get bit bogged down wth it all at times , especailly when it not going right no matter what you do. Keep your fingers all crossed i dont hypo tommr aft 🙂 tell me do you always have to change all these things ???

M xx
That's great news and once you have your basals right it will be even more wonderful.
Yes always Marie !

Usually though, once it's only tweaking, you only have to do the test for the time you have the glitch and it's only when BGs are randomly being odd you probably need to do the full 24 hrs before touching a thing.
TW 🙂🙂🙂 Sounds fab

Lunch time soon so will see what happens as not really doing much after lunch hopefully will remain steady
10.30am BG 9.4 .65 CORRECTION
1PM Lunch BG 11.5 25 CARBS 2.70 PUMP has Potato Rosti x 2 from M & S
2.29 pm BG 13.1 would like to try go my walk do you think it a good idea hence the change in carb;ratio at lunch today ?
3pm BG 14.2 decided against walk pump said .70 so just took it wasnt sure if i should or not off to have lie down as feeling tired
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I got my pump in November. It has changed my life and made the gastroparesis much more manageable with the diabetes. I wouldn't give it up for anything:D
Im loving it also, and also finding it hard to get all my basal tests done.......but I am getting there, got 7 rates at the moment, not hoping for any more.......
Well done you having 7 done im only on my 3rd :confused: but least i know why i been having trouble getting them done ha ha ha
Me and Mike (EDUAD) both happen to have 9 each, but it isn't a race and there are no prizes for having less or more - you need what you need, when you need it, and nobody else will ever have the same basal pattern as you!
Well i must be the only one who hates my pump. It does what it should, and is the best thing to manage my D, but then theres the psychological side of it for me. Its there 24/7 a reminder that something is wrong, in the way what ever i want to do, i get small scars on my tummy from it, i put it else where and it plays up. Yes i am very lucky to have the pump and there are many that would give there right arm for one, but i hate the thing with a passion.
I am one of those diabetics that hides it in public, if i have a hypo infront of any one, i just hate it, feel like i am bringing attention to myself, so something thats stuck on me, well not my cup of tea. It took the DSN 2 years to convince me to have one.
But is your diabetes controlled any better than it was before, megga?

Cos that IS the overriding factor here isn't it?

In my body and head me and my diabetes have a sort of truce, I sort of compare it to being married! - give and take - plus having either a child or a dog/other pet.

At some times, it's all give on my part and all take on D's. But D THEN gives me back good control which enables me to just pay it the minimum attention - and that's exactly like being married +.

Some days I seem to be running round only doing stuff for my husband not me, other days he does stuff for me not him. But for the most part, we do things for both of us together - but both of us have to make time to look after the child/dog/diabetes cos he lives with BOTH of us full time, 24/365.

And the important thing throughout this is harmonisation.

Does that make any sense?
Yes it does, but like being married to my first wife😡 not very nice lol

I have better control for it and thats why i still have it. I just want to get on with life, but to me its there, and i just hate it, have done for 6 years now.
When i was on injections, quick stab, and at least i looked normal (well as normal i i can look) but this is always ther. And the bad thing is, i'm scared of not having it, because i know my control will go out the window, b/s in the morning will be back in the 20's.

Its just nasty medicine to me, i have to take it, but i dont like it.
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