Love MRI DSN nurse

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Despite having seen the Scottish consultant in January and told him that my consumables run out in March, I'm still waiting to find out if they will fund my consumables!!😡
As I now work Mondays, I cant really attend appointments with my DSN. As I don't work for the other 4 weekdays, I'm sure my boss would wonder why I can't go on one of the other days in the week. (It's a fair assumption to make!!). But the DSN only works Mondays in Forres!!
So I emailed her to point this out and to confirm that I only have 3 canulas left!! I also asked if she had heard about my funding yet.
Luckily, my former DSN gave me more than a year's supply - but I do have only 3 canulas left (not the ones with the link attached - I still have plenty of those!!).
However, as my former DSN was worried when I told her in early Feb that I didn't know if I had funding, she arranged for another year's supply to be sent!! With excellent timing, it came today! So I've emailed her my grateful thanks!!:D
I still don't know if there are other consultants I can see in Aberdeen!
At the moment, the hubby and I are considering moving back to Manchester (no jobs yet!! other than a 2 day, minimum wage one for me) so this will be the final nail in the coffin if I don't get a response this week! But my health comes first and there's no way I'm going back to injections!! (There are days when I hate my pump but I'd still rather be attached to that 24/7 than try and inject!!)
Plus if we go back to Manchester, the psychologist is just across the road from the Diabetes centre! Up here, they're having to arrange to see if the psychologist can come over to this side of the area occassionally to see me! (I've never really got used to being diabetic! Most of the treatment with my previous psychologist was dealing with injecting and the problems I was having at work. Since being dismissed a year ago - all caused by this stupid disease/illness - I think my hatred for it has slowly got worse!!) I agree that I do need to speak to someone about it but not travelling 2 hours each way to do it.

Sorry, this turned into a rant and was supposed to be a huge thanks to Manchester MRI and double-detention for NHS Scotland!! (So much for their target of 25% of T1s being on the pump in 4 years!! If I go back to Manchester, their coverage in the Moray area will drop by 50%!!!!)

Gotta go and change my reservoir etc!! 😉
Great to hear that you can rest easy about the supplies - big kudos to the DSN in Manc! 🙂 It a;lways strikes me as totally unnecessary how thiese stupid administrative muddles can occur when a person's life and well-being depend on it so much :( There must be a million far less important decisions being made every day. I hope that things improve for you and that you can secure some good work and income back in Manchester and start to live life without this hassle and uncertainty 🙂
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