Love it or hate it?

Do u ever get annoyed with your pump?

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Milsey moo

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
:confused:I love my pump but on some occasions I want to smash it when it says no delivery and have to change it like three times before it'll work. Any one else had this problem. :(
I've got an Accucheck Spirit Combo and very occasionally have a duff cannula.
Love the pump - will be sad when we have to change it in the summer! There are a couple of minor annoyances with it but nothing that ever makes us a want to throw it out of the window!
Cannulas have been more of a pain in the past but we get very few problems with those now either. (Famous last words...:D)
I never feel 'Oh I wish I were back on MDI' but I do sometimes feel 'I wish I were'nt on the pump' (ie, without really thinking about the alternative). Like, when I'm trying to work out what to wear for something that I have to dress up for, and I have to fit the pump into the outfit (Men, you think it's tough when your wife is trying to find something to wear normally. Just imagine how much longer it would take if there were a pump thrown into the mix, and thank your lucky stars its just a large enough handbag she cant find :D).
Or when I've suddenly gone high, for no reason i can think of, and I'm sat there in the middle of the night wondering if I have a duff cannula or duff insulin or the pump has broken or should I panic now or later?
It's a Medtronic minimed
Are you using Quicksets? I had no end of problems with those - might be worth asking to try a few of all of the available sets and see which ones you like? I ended up with Silhouettes and have had almost no failed cannulas since - perhaps once a year rather than once or twice a month, or week, or day depending on how iffy the Quicksets were being.
If ever in the night u feel there is a problem with the pump and your high always change it just in case. I get told to change it. I've been up a two in the morning changing my pump before but it was worth it for stabilising my bloods. I get that with clothes too . Prom coming up and trying to fit the pump in somewhere .
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