lots of low blood sugar readings

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I have noticed a recent change in my blood sugar readings, ( im on 22 units of Lantus, and 12 of Humalog before meals) I keep getting a lot of low blood sugar episodes and reaching for the jelly beans, my diet and lifestyle haven't changed, its really scary, any advice?
I am another one who finds that my insulin needs change with the weather.

You mention that you have fixed doses of your insulin for meals, does that mean that you eat the same number of carbs for each meal?
hi there, no, I change my Humalog dose to suit each meal, a lot of trial and error in the beginning, but I had got the tweeting mastered, I had four low sugar events in 24 hrs on Friday, as apposed to perhaps a couple a week, thank you for you reply.
hi there, no, I change my Humalog dose to suit each meal, a lot of trial and error in the beginning, but I had got the tweeting mastered, I had four low sugar events in 24 hrs on Friday, as apposed to perhaps a couple a week, thank you for you reply.
Sorry you had a “hypo day”. Unfortunately, we do seem to be more susceptible to another hypo once we have had one.
You mentioned that you are treating them with jelly babies. Do you follow these up with 15g of slower acting carbs afterwards?
If you find hot weather lowers your BG, you might want to think about reducing your Lantus slightly on hitter days.
Sorry you had a “hypo day”. Unfortunately, we do seem to be more susceptible to another hypo once we have had one.
You mentioned that you are treating them with jelly babies. Do you follow these up with 15g of slower acting carbs afterwards?
If you find hot weather lowers your BG, you might want to think about reducing your Lantus slightly on hitter days.
thank you for your reply, I do try and have some slower acting carb, its not always possible at work though, I will look to reducing my Lantus slightly, I really appreciate the advice.
thank you for your reply, I do try and have some slower acting carb, its not always possible at work though, I will look to reducing my Lantus slightly, I really appreciate the advice.
Can you not just keep something in your pocket or the bag with your testing kit and other hypo treatment.
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