Lost Loan Pump

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My wife has just taken my Type 1 son on a school trip to China and lost the load pump from Medtronic. It was not insured, or if it was it will only cover cost of about £200 on travel insurance. We will have to pay £2,800 to Medtronic for losing it. Anyone got any advice? Thanks
Oh no! How awful. Any ideas as to how it came to go missing? Any chance your pump insurance (on household contents or specialist) might cover it?
We think the box that it was in was put in recycling by mistake and the bin was taken by the council and they say there is no way to find it at the recycling centre. His pump insurance doesn't cover the loan pump in this case (as we didn't advise them we had one). Household insurance may cover some if it but probably on £200 if that. Thanks for your concern.
We think the box that it was in was put in recycling by mistake and the bin was taken by the council and they say there is no way to find it at the recycling centre. His pump insurance doesn't cover the loan pump in this case (as we didn't advise them we had one). Household insurance may cover some if it but probably on £200 if that. Thanks for your concern.
Hi, I've no idea if they might be able to help but it might be worth contacting the people at INPUT:

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