Losing stomach fat

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Anyone got any tips on how to lose stomach fat generally around the areas i inject insulin , i have noticed over the space of a month month and a half i have gained weight around my stomach an struggling to shift it at the moment
Around how long would you say to no inject , i also bloat wen i have hypos can hear the gass in stomach is that normal ?
No, the bloating when you have a hypo doesn’t sound usual. Hypos can cause a fast heartbeat, tingling lips and face, etc, but the only stomach-related issue I’ve had or heard of is hunger.

I don’t know how long it will take for the fat/thickening to go, but it should gradually improve as the weeks go by.
Is this just lumpy/fatty sites or are you actually putting on weight around your middle which is very different? If so, as Type 1s we need to diet and exercise, the same as anyone else and we just reduce our insulin doses in line with food reduction and perhaps weight reduction or exercise. What sort of diet depends on the individual.
I am currently in this situation as I have put weight on the last few months partly I suspect, due to medication (not insulin) for stress and depression. I need to get out there and do more exercise to burn it off. Very brisk walking (particularly up hills) does it for me. I have also been eating more carbs than I normally would and as I usually follow a low carb higher fat diet, I am probably still eating the same amount of fat.... but more carbs with it which is bound to make me put on weight, so I personally need to cut my carbs right back again. You might need to cut fat intake back if you follow a normal diet.
Yep, if it’s normal fat then you need to deal with that too. I assumed it was related to your previous thread @Brodietype1 :

Maintaining/improving insulin sensitivity can help too as insulin resistance can cause weight/fat issues.
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