Loosing Weight

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It's probably something I don't really need to worry about, but inmyself I'm not happy with my weight. Not at the moment anyway. According to my last weigh in check or whatever it was at the GPs, they said it was 55 whatever that is...

I was just wondering if any of you knew of any decent ways to loose weight that don't involve much excersise? I hate excersise with an utter passion, so that's kind of out of the window. Obviously more healthy eating (seriously, its bad at the moment...working at kfc and getting meal allowances *hides in shame*)

This is something I want to do...Just to get rid of the bloody awful podge and wobbly bits :(
Sorry Sam, diet and exercise is about it. I wouldn't recommend diet pills as I view such things with deep suspicion. Besides, you don't know how they would work with your medications.
Well you definitely dont need to! but if you insist...

The only thing other than eating healthier food is exercise so i'm affraid that is your only option :D You don't have to do rigorous exercise though. It sounds like you want to tone up more than anything so personally I would suggest crunches. They are so easy but so effective - you just need some motivation to actually do them. I'm starting yoga which is low impact so might be an idea, but i'll let you know what it's like after ive done it a few times!
Err food poisoning works quite well actually. Tried it myself this week as you know. I dragged myself to weigh in at Weight Watchers and have managed to lose a stone !!! I did join a few weeks ago mind you. I have lost that over three weeks but the food poisoning worked a treat.

The way to do that is find the dodgiest kebab shop you can find and eat a doner, a large one.

I hate weight watchers or so I thought. Its actually quite good so you may give that a go. You can eat what you like really but need to stick to the points you are given which is based on your weight, height etc. I have done no exercise except decorate but think I need to start walking soon. I even have a cross trainer sitting in my conservatory so that really needs to be used for that purpose rather than a clothes airer - very expensive airer 😛

hi everyone

this is my first time on the site and i have been diagnosed with type 2 for 1 week, ive not quite got my head around it yet, i only found out that i have diabeties after i went to get my eyes tested.

at the moment i am controlled by tablets and diet living on the drift of awareness of the complications that this can cause not ready to go crash landing of the horrors of the complications of it.

Is it wrong of me to deal with this thinking that healthy eating and medications will help me to stop complications and deal with complications as and when its happens heelp.
Sam, They probably weighed you in kilos. 55 kilos looks about right for you.(1kg = 2.2 lbs, 14lbs per stone) 8 stone 9.

I had an idea about us diabetics loosing weight. It may be bonkers but how about this....?

Carb counting... A lot of us diabetics do it to bolus correctly. Work out what you currently have each day and after a week knock off 5 grams....

As for a dodgy kebab.... I forgot one of those tastes like.... I know they send my BG though the roof so they are on my definate no no list.
Hi Sam,

What I did was simply to cut out the toast from my breakfast in the summer. That taking the dog out for walks alot helped me to shed about three kilos. I just generally have cut back a bit on what I eat. That helps alot. Little changes across the board add up to big changes.

Don't know an easy way, try to walk more and eat healthy when your at home. I went from a size 16 to an 8 but unfortunately that was thanks to diabetes! I know it is so difficult but do try
I loathe exercise as well, unfortunatly it's been the only realible way for me to lose weight in the past. Also I am not sure what weight I should be aiming for as the body mass index thing doesn't look to accurate for my body.

Hopefully walking should help me to shed a good bit. However those last few extra pounds are toughest:(.
It's probably something I don't really need to worry about, but inmyself I'm not happy with my weight. Not at the moment anyway. According to my last weigh in check or whatever it was at the GPs, they said it was 55 whatever that is...

I was just wondering if any of you knew of any decent ways to loose weight that don't involve much excersise? I hate excersise with an utter passion, so that's kind of out of the window. Obviously more healthy eating (seriously, its bad at the moment...working at kfc and getting meal allowances *hides in shame*)

This is something I want to do...Just to get rid of the bloody awful podge and wobbly bits :(

Dear Salmonpuff,

I agree with brightontez, cut the amount of carbohydrate that you eat. Specifically, cut out anything that contains refined carbs and get what carbs you do eat from complex carbs (veggies, that grow above the ground, and in moderation fruit - I say this because fructose is bad news it gets turned to fat irrespective of whether you have sufficient glucose). It is not mandatory to exercise to lose weight, but I strongly recommend it. Try reducing carbs by, as 'tez says, by 5 or 10g a day. If after a week or so, you are not losing (slowly is best) reduce your carbs by another 5g. Ofcourse, if you "pig out" on the other macro-nurients you won't lose, so overall portion control will help.

Regards Dodger
Hi Sam,

As Katie says you don't need to but that clearly isn't your opinion.

As Tez & Dodger said cutting down carbs is good, I have lost over a stone in my first year of this disease, and I didn't want too. I think it's mainly due to not snacking and cutting down on carb intake, and it wasn't/isn't done on a religious manor at all.

Regarding exercise and the fact you hate it, well sorry you will have to do something, besides it's good for you to be active to some degree. Even walking to town instead of getting the bus, or going for a walk with your fella instead of sitting in pub, or instead of hours of FF7!!? Even pottering round at home, do you have a garden? But the best thing to do would perhaps get a friend to do stuff with like walking a dog, or running round a local park, some people on here swear by fitness videos maybe give that ago then your in the confinement of your own home if you feel embarassed... don't make excuses, and once you get into a routine you'll enjoy it and reap the benefits I have no doubt.
thanks everyone - i know im having that typical ihatemybody thing but thanks all the same

i walk everywhere, as we dont have a car. And i refuse to pay money to get the bus. We don't have a garden, or a dog. As for the FF7? Thats brain excersise 😉 Plus, running around at work and sweating is probably considered excersise - all I have to do is resist temptation and not eat the staff meals :D like the other day I had fruit, and lots of it :D According to my BMI at 55kilos and 5'4 im the perfect height/weight thingy but meh.

We don't eat much, skip lunch quite a lot and dont eat massively at dinner. I'm probably just getting into bad routines 🙂

Sounds like you are active enough, just need to tidy up those munching habits!! Good luck!

Sounds like you are active enough, just need to tidy up those munching habits!! Good luck!

sorting out the munching habits is a go!!! Well...after weds that is 🙄 we've promised ourselves a chinese tomorrow then weds is cake...and dinner out...

i am just the WORST :D
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