Looking up/complaining about a GP - England

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Copied from a Newbie thread in case it's useful to others...

If your practice has a website, a quick Google search should be all you need, and the practice manager's name together with the complaints policy and procedure should be provided.

If you can't find a practice website, go to www.nhs.uk, click on the GP tab in the Service finder in the middle of the screen enter your postcode. Select your GP from the list that comes up. There's lots of useful information on there, including ratings from other patients. If you click on the Staff tab, the doctor(s) and practice manager (if there is one) should be listed. If you click on the Contacts tab, at the bottom of the page there's a link to the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group). The CCG should have a link to their own website, or you can Google it now that you know which one to look for. You're looking for the PALS department (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) that handles complaints.

Now that you know how to look up a practice, you can have a look at the ratings for others in your area.

There endeth the lesson.

N.B. The above applies to England
just looked up my practice and as expected they only scored 1 1/2 stars, the reviews were low scoring with numerous complaints.

What surprised / shocked me is they got a 97% rate in the diabetes care section. The only thing this could be is down to the nurse that does the screening is good at what she does, and maybe the one or two doctors there that care for the patients.
LOL about the Practice Managers name, and complaints procedure being on the surgery's website.

I was only looking at our surgery's website yesterday, and clicked on the 'complaints' bit because I have complained before that it's almost impossible to find anything out about the blooming place - and Lo! - it took me to the complaints person for the whole of the NHS !

So I think I'll complain to her now, shall I?
Depends on your glass being half "FULL" or half empty. All my docs & nurses want a big pat on the back. Well done NHS !!!!!!!!!! 😉
My doctor is currently in my good books, so I'm not complaining! 🙂

Unfortunately there seem to be lots of people receiving second- and third-rate care, and things won't improve until and unless they speak up. The CCGs and NHS England can't be expected to put things right if they haven't been told there's a problem.
Just had a reply back from about the 4th or 5th complaint on the same problem, with the answer being a lemon. First 2 or 3 complaints appear to have been misplaced / lost.

The next couple were answered sorry we have not followed the practices procedure and they will tighten up and get every one updated.

The last reply said basically the practice will not be following their own procedure and I have to ring them every day until I get an answer to what's wrong and if a prescription is needed, or tie up doctors time as one can't trust the practice to pass on information.

Thankfully the chemist delivered the prescription that was required and unknown to me waiting collection.
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