@Califgirl and welcome to the forum and sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis and struggle to lower your blood glucose levels... Obviously, the support forum can offer tips from lived experience and not actual medical advice (I def don't claim to have studied medicine or be a doctor) but I followed simple advice from diabetes nurse of cutting out all high sugar drinks and foods (fruit juice, fizzy drinks, pop, alcohol, sweetened tea/coffee/hot chocolate, milkshakes, fruit yoghurts, ice cream, cake etc) and replaced them with herbal teas, diet sugar-free drinks, coconut water, iced water, sparkling water, plain yoghurt, and using stevia sweetener instead of loose sugars including refined sugar, agave syrup, molasses, concentrated fruit juice, rice syrup, maple syrup...
My experience has been at the start swapping out unhealthy foods for low sugar low carb versions wherever you can, as obviously starving yourself isn't healthy, or making huge dietary changes in 24 hours isn't good for us, so try to read ingredients, check the amount of carbs and sugars on nutrition section of labelling, but also be kind to yourself and enjoy healthy snacks like mixed nuts or in moderation, dried fruit, or sugar-free lime soda!
I'm not an expert, but my blood glucose levels in HbA1c tests dropped ten points from around 95 to around 85 in one month by making dietary changes and walking every day, but I need to lose excess weight with goal of remission and the next stage for me will be low calorie low sugar low carb diet of soups and shakes and sugar-free drinks snacking on fresh fruit in moderation, so Good Luck, Bon Chance!