Looking for suggestions on how to combat food poison

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Relationship to Diabetes
My daughter contracted food posion for the first time at the weekend but it is taking a long time to get over it her blood sugars are low and everything she eats bloats her stomach. she is living on soup rice and bread anybody got any suggestions on how to get over this
The most important thing is to keep her Hydrated (water). Have you been to Gp ?
As her blood sugars are low then the obvious thing to do is lower her insulin.
Have you consultated any medical people about her condition? If not you need to do so as diabetes and food poisoning are not a good mix.
Hope she soon feels better.
Welcome to the forum, h_kennard.

As a guide, sick day rules are helpful, including suggestions of food to eat / fluids to drink, although basically, anything your daughter can tolerate is OK, as long as you can adjust insulin doses to match. Any more detailed advice depends on age of your daughter - it sounds like she's older than being breast fed, for example? This page is aimed at children with type 1 diabetes when they are unwell http://www.diabetes.org.uk/Guide-to...iabetes/Getting-my-glucose-right/Feeling-ill/
Stomach bugs are a nightmare in children with diabetes, and since my son was 4 at diagnosis I've sadly had lots of experience at managing them (including 3 bouts when he was on mixes!). The after effects can continue for about 3 weeks after the illness, as the gut is still healing and digestion is slower - leading to lots of hypos.

Frequent testing of her BGs and ketones is a good idea. If she has no appetite, try things like sugary jelly, sugary ice lollies, etc. with small doses of insulin, to keep hydrated and keep clear of ketones. If she is eating, bolus insulin after eating (and at reduced amounts), and if she is on a pump, consider giving meal boluses as a square wave over 30 mins to 1 hour.

Hope she feels better soon 🙂
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