Looking for some people to fill out a questionnaire...

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I am a 4th year Health Psychology student from Queen Margarets University in Edinburgh and I am looking for some people to complete a survey for my

The topic that I am investigating is: the relationship between adjustment to
type 1 diabetes and attachment styles

Briefly, attachment describes the inbuilt mechanisms that enable us to cope
with what life throws at us, based on our early relationship experiences.
There is thought to be around 3/4 (depending on theories) attachment styles
each having different approaches to adjusting to distressing events such as

If you would like to participate by filling out the questionnaires which should take no longer than around 10-15minutes, I would greatly appreciated it. The only criteria is that you have TYPE 1 DIABETES and are over 18 years

All information gathered will be anonymous and you can leave the survey site at any point if you decide not to complete the questions.

link to site: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6J7B896

Thank you for any help given and if you would like to contact me you can
reach me at: 07007241@qmu.ac.uk
I'm pushing this up to give plenty of people a chance to see it and help if they want.

As a type 2 I am unable to help this time.
I found the questions about 'how you feel around others' a bit odd but I'm guessing they are needed in the study.

Also it does mention 'following a Diabetic diet' - people with Diabetes are just supposed to eat a normal, healthy diet same as everyone else should 🙂
gotta remember, these are for BsC degrees (am I correct in this? Or are you doing an MsC?) - I know when Matt did his BsC dissertation he had a lot of problems with getting questionaires worded properly. Probably just miswording of the questions and maybe a slight lack of understanding about how diabetes works

I really like this idea and I'm sure it will appeal to Matt too - he did his dissertation in cognitive psychology. I'll take a look at the questionaire later on.
Just done survey.
Never find it easy or constructive answering yes/no type questions. Life is always so much more complicated and yet it sooo isn't. Dose that make sense?:confused:
Good luck with you're work. This is an edit because i forgot to say it first time round. It's all about ME ISN'T IT!
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Good luck with it all, I often wonder when people come in asking for peoples answers on these why they never want a type 2's input.:confused:
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