Looking for people who achieved remission by following a Mediterranean diet

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Josh DUK

Former Online Community and Learning Manager
Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
We are beginning to produce a booklet about Type 2 diabetes remission. This is aimed at individuals who would like to lose weight and potentially put their diabetes into remission. It will cover what remission is, who the guide is for, health benefits, a weight loss planner and things to consider after remission. We will highlight different approaches to reach remission through stories.

We are therefore trying to find people with who have put their diabetes into remission by following a Mediterranean diet.

We would love to feature your story in the booklet and also on our website. If this would be of interest, this would involve a telephone interview and supplying photographs. Please get in touch with joanna.bowden@diabetes.org.uk if you would like more information or would be happy to be featured.
Hello Josh,
This sounds like it will be an extremely useful thing to do. Information on the different approaches and solutions available will be a very helpful resource.
Sorry, I can't help with a personal story on the Mediterranean diet, as I haven't followed this regime, although I can see that it is a good solution for many people.
I eat more-or-less Mediterranean, for CV health, and because I like it. But I'd say that getting my T2D into remission was more to do with weight loss than anything diet-specific. A Med approach is fine for weight loss but like any other approach, it's a matter of eating less than you burn.

(Also, I'm in Oz, so I guess not a good subject for this project.)
We are beginning to produce a booklet about Type 2 diabetes remission. This is aimed at individuals who would like to lose weight and potentially put their diabetes into remission. It will cover what remission is, who the guide is for, health benefits, a weight loss planner and things to consider after remission. We will highlight different approaches to reach remission through stories.

We are therefore trying to find people with who have put their diabetes into remission by following a Mediterranean diet.

We would love to feature your story in the booklet and also on our website. If this would be of interest, this would involve a telephone interview and supplying photographs. Please get in touch with joanna.bowden@diabetes.org.uk if you would like more information or would be happy to be featured.
Interesting project, Josh. What definition is to be utilised for remission? There seem to be several out there.
Are there different versions of the Mediterranean diet? I notice you say 'a' rather than 'the'.
I started off by going back to Atkins - which is very clearly laid out - but such things as 'Keto' and 'Mediterranean' are not very precise.
Are there different versions of the Mediterranean diet? I notice you say 'a' rather than 'the'.
I started off by going back to Atkins - which is very clearly laid out - but such things as 'Keto' and 'Mediterranean' are not very precise.

There isn't any single "Mediterranean diet" but this eg https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-...ting/in-depth/mediterranean-diet/art-20047801 has a reasonable description of the general approach:

While there is no single definition of the Mediterranean diet, it is typically high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nut and seeds, and olive oil.

The main components of Mediterranean diet include:

  • Daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats
  • Weekly intake of fish, poultry, beans and eggs
  • Moderate portions of dairy products
  • Limited intake of red meat
Probably T2D's would want to be careful about that "whole grains" piece: I replace with seeds.
It's mainly beneficial for CV-health, but that's extremely important for T2D's, probably more important than simple BG after some point.
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