Looking for medicinal alternatives

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ive been diagnosed with type 2. I have medication that has Diarrhoea as a side effect. As I have had my thyroids removed (beforehand it was chronic constipation), the other extreme is a blessing.

However, my child has underactive thyroid and his problem comes from Diarrhoea. All I can see he is prescribed is fibyrogel and sachets. Which does not help at all. I know he must have diabetes as it runs in my family. Any suggestions to medication he can take that gives him constipation. That will help stop his Diarrhoea. Only avoiding foodstuffs, tried unsuccessful.
Hello Anon103 welcome to the forum, sorry your child is having problems. I think if it was me I would stop the Fybrogel and go back to the Dr`s with your concerns, ask for a Diabetes's test and explain about the Diarrhoea. I hope you can get a result for your child, come back to the forum and keep us up to date please.
Hi. Please don't guess whether your child has diabetes. See the GP or at least ask the pharmacy for a finger-prick test. As you have T2 anyway do get a meter if you don't have one - these are essential for us. If you are on Metformin it can cause bowel upset. If this doesn't clear within a week or two then do ask the GP for the Slow-Release version Metformin SR or ER. Note that Fybogel is used to treat constipation and not diarrhoea. The latter needs a visit to the GP if it hasn't yet been diagnosed
both types of metformin are as bad as each other for causing bowel problems been there and no joy with both, ask about other diabetic medications.

as for your child don't try and guess what is wrong let a doctor try and sort it out.
There are any number of infections that can cause chronic diarrhoea. Has anyone ever checked for infection?

And why would you think he has Diabetes?
A child with an underactive thyroid ought to be having supplements as it can affect growth and development - similarly a child with chronic diarrhoea - but it is a matter for doctors, not a forum.
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