Look back on my first month of pumping

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So it's now a month since I went live with pumping, though it doesn't really feel like it. On the whole things are going well, just a little slower than I would like. Always the impatient one me!

Have been through a couple of situations where the pump has really helped, even just being able to stay out for a meal unplanned is nice.

Helped my brother move house, a day of loading the car then unloading up 2 flights of stairs. Set a temp basal and stayed between 6 & 8 all day :D. No way I could have done that pre pump.

Also had a week with a stinking cold, again used temp basal rate but I don't think I was brave enough so lots of highs. Still I know for next time.

I'm really wanting to get moving on some proper basal testing, I'm still using a pretty flat rate so hoping to find out where to make changes. Holding off till the cold has cleared up though.

Downsides, well my fingers are a bit fed up. The first couple of weeks felt like an endless round of testing. Didn't sleep that well either with the overnight testing. Now I have a picture I've given up regular night tests though

I need to do another round of proper weighing out all my meals and re calculating. I think a combination of rounding to the nearest unit, plus the general inaccuracy of doing it by eye is catching me out. It's amazing how big a difference it makes now compared to on MDI.

Still working out where to wear the pump with certain things. I think I might order some sets with longer tubing, have currently got the set round my back and the pump in my bra which leaves it feeling a bit short.
Well, it hasn't been thrown out of the window yet, so that is excellent news 🙂 From the sounds of it you are doing really well. A lot of people have said it's like being diagnosed all over again because of all the new things you need to learn, much of it by experience, but with the additional difficulty of having to unlearn everything that you have been used to in the past!

I'm sure it will become easier, good luck and do keep us updated on your progress 🙂
And now just pulled out my first cannula 😱 which of course was just as I was setting off to collect the kids form school. Apparently I really am getting faster at inserting them (or maybe just running to school!)

Also learned that I can not read the pump after the eye screening drops. A speedy lesson for DH so we could eat lunch there.

Well, it hasn't been thrown out of the window yet, so that is excellent news From the sounds of it you are doing really well. A lot of people have said it's like being diagnosed all over again because of all the new things you need to learn, much of it by experience, but with the additional difficulty of having to unlearn everything that you have been used to in the past!

I wonder if some of it comes from never really having felt I'd got the hang of MDI. It's only 3 years since my diagnosis and things have never really been that settled so I've always felt like I'm 3 steps behind.

Now I feel 2 steps behind, I can see where the pump can help, but also that there is still going to be a lot of trial and error to move forward.
Good to hear your progress LH

I was much more of a slow starter - I don't think I really felt I'd got the hang of it for a year!
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