Longer GP appointments 'highly cost effective', finds major study

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Offering half-hour GP appointments instead of standard 10-minute consultations to people with lots of health problems helps prevent their health from deteriorating, at a cost that would offer better value for money than many new drugs and devices provided on the NHS, a groundbreaking study by GP researchers has shown.

The study at GP practices in Scotland saw GPs give patients with complex health needs appointments that lasted half an hour or longer.

Patients who received the longer consultations had better scores for wellbeing and quality of life after one year than similar patients who received usual care from their GP with 10-minute appointments.

Although the approach cost practices more, the benefit to patients meant the longer appointments were of greater value than many drugs and interventions introduced to the NHS under NICE cost-effectiveness thresholds, researchers said.


(free registration)
Can't see it happen just been to get my Diabetic Bloods done took a urine specimen, only to be told don't do it at this appointment now and I only get 5 mins to do the bloods ! So I need to remember to do another for Diabetic Nurse in 10 days!
Ah, they still take ours when we go to the vampire cos they are sent to the Lab at the same time as the bloods to do the Urine Albumin check, which the doctors look at with the U&E blood results, to check our kidney function. So - when do they check your Albumin then? (It's a separate test form the doc gives us for the wee, whilst ALL the bloods are listed on the other one. We also get handed the wee sample bottle at the same time as the forms)
I would love to have longer GP appointments, as I often have several things I need to discus, be treated or tested for. I can't see it happening though as there just isn't enough GP's at most practices, which I guess is a lot to do with funding.
I know for a fact that GP's put in long hours at my practice
My GP practice specifically say if you have more than one thing to discuss, please make a double appointment. And they are quite happy to give one, although it can sometimes be a few days later than if you'd taken a single one. And they are very appreciative if you do bother to do it - I think most people dont bother, and just book one but expect to be able to discuss everything in 10 minutes!
My GP practice specifically say if you have more than one thing to discuss, please make a double appointment. And they are quite happy to give one, although it can sometimes be a few days later than if you'd taken a single one. And they are very appreciative if you do bother to do it - I think most people dont bother, and just book one but expect to be able to discuss everything in 10 minutes!
I was never even aware of this 10 minute limit until I had to visit a different surgery for my skin cancer - they had a sign up saying only '1 problem per 10 minute appointment' 😱 Nothing like that in my surgery and I've never been rushed, plus I usually save up two or three ailments to talk about 😉
The one condition per appointment has been fairly common for a few years!
I have to take a specimen to the appointment with Diabetic Nurse! I suspect the nehpropy urine that goes to the lab may not be due till later in the year!
There was a woman in there whilst I was waiting came as a family member could not make the appointment because of the weather , and they could not offer an alternative appointment to do bloods for weeks , unless they went to hospital phlebotomy services! Said she would herself if give needles and bottles would not give was not happy!
Is the weather bad by you then? It's dry, grey and quite warm here. (nr Coventry)
Yes we had thunderstorms over night the A12 near me had lanes closed because of flooding and the Norwich / London trains were cancelled because of flooding on tracks. I don't go on the A12 but go over it. The journey is usually takes 10-15 mins! People on Facebook were saying it was taking them hours to get to or from work, highways website was saying 15 mile tailbacks! So I set off about 50 mins before appointment and the traffic was flowing and no tail backs! I think they had managed to pump the water away! They were pumping water around the corner to me that floods, and is it is the access to polling station!
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