Long Term Low Carb?

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Andrew Gibson

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've been following a low carb sugar free diet since I was diagnosed with TD2 a couple of years back. Having lost 4.5 stone my HBAC1 is now 39 and I've been told by my surgery that I don't need to come back for any further blood tests, since I'm not technically a diabetic. However, I know that I have precisely no ability to process sugar, as I have tried taking a fasting blood test then drinking 411ml of original Lucozade. After 2 hours sitting still my blood readings are through the roof and I feel like death warmed up.

So I guess what I'm asking is if anyone knows the long term effects of a low carb ketogenic diet? I don't have any problems sticking to it and generally feel far healthier as a result.
I've been following a low carb sugar free diet since I was diagnosed with TD2 a couple of years back. Having lost 4.5 stone my HBAC1 is now 39 and I've been told by my surgery that I don't need to come back for any further blood tests, since I'm not technically a diabetic. However, I know that I have precisely no ability to process sugar, as I have tried taking a fasting blood test then drinking 411ml of original Lucozade. After 2 hours sitting still my blood readings are through the roof and I feel like death warmed up.

So I guess what I'm asking is if anyone knows the long term effects of a low carb ketogenic diet? I don't have any problems sticking to it and generally feel far healthier as a result.
I was diagnosed T2 and told to go on LCHF diet without any meds at all. I've lost weight too and feel much healthier.I was told i'll always be a diabetic and should maintain my diet & exercise regime even if my HBAC 1 readings are within acceptable levels.
Hi Andrew....
That's really unfortunate that they don't consider you D anymore, anyone with half a brain would know that you just have D under control....

As for a long term LCHF diet, if you can handle the regime then I can't see any issues with continuing it; I have been on it for over a year now & am in better health than I have been for many years. Many of the proponents of LCHF (Fung, Noakes, Phinney etal) don't just extol the virtues of LCHF but actually live the life and have been doing so for many years.

One thing that the Dr.'s can't do is stop you testing. IMHO without testing, managing D is like staggering around with a blindfold on.
I read somewhere else were people posted they were being classed as reversed but they knew if they eat more carbs again there bloods would spike.
Hi . Well done , you have obviously worked very hard to achieve such amazing results , however I think you have been given bad info by your practice, imo they should still be giving you the 15 checks even if only on a yearly basis .
I would phone our helpline for advise on this if I were you , because it doesn't seem right to me that you've been left high and dry with no support at all
tel:0345123 2399
A friend on mine on Facebook called Nick Hill who is a horse hoof expert (former farrier) is a Type 1 and follows a ketogenic diet. He's extremely active and healthy, constantly on the go between the UK and Bulgaria (his partner is a Bulgarian vet). I know he swears by this diet to control his T1D and I think he's been following it for quite a while. He's very into alternative health issues etc etc
Sara - he must surely still be on basal insulin even if he doesn't need to bolus?
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