Long-term aspirin 'blindness link'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
People who regularly take aspirin for many years, such as those with heart problems, are more likely to develop a form of blindness, researchers say.

A study on 2,389 people, in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, showed aspirin takers had twice the risk of "wet" age-related macular degeneration.

The disease damages the 'sweet spot' in the retina, obscuring details in the centre of a patient's field of vision.

The researchers said there was not yet enough evidence to change aspirin use.

Taking low doses of aspirin every day does reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack in patients with cardiovascular disease. There are even suggestions it could prevent cancer.

oh crap, given my recent troubles could that be another contributory factor, as I am prescribed to take an aspirin every day - hayho

I was on aspirin and clopidogrel when I was diagnosed. I took the clopidogrel for a year, and the aspirin for a bit longer, but came to the conclusion that there are so many conflicting theories about whether they are good for you or bad fr you that I thought I may as well do without, especially as they were causing nausea every morning for which I was also expected to take omeprazole!
Can't see it myself🙄
I was on aspirin and clopidogrel when I was diagnosed. I took the clopidogrel for a year, and the aspirin for a bit longer, but came to the conclusion that there are so many conflicting theories about whether they are good for you or bad fr you that I thought I may as well do without, especially as they were causing nausea every morning for which I was also expected to take omeprazole!

they have not caused nausea with me may be they do not effect me in the same way
No problem here, but I have the 75mg enteric coated aspirin, although a friend had digestive problems but it came down to having taken full strength aspirin for a long time (slapped wrist GP).
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