Long haul travel

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
We are off to USA on Thursday (v early) and I am not sure how to deal with the time difference on my daughters pump. In effect she will have 2 afternoons that day! Her body will be thinking it is night time when we will be active and eating as it's evening. The consultant gave me some advice which I don't understand so wondered if any users out there had any useful advice?

All I do is keep testing & put a temp basal on because I am sitting down (never do :D). I only eat when I am hungry. Pumps are great for this type of thing. Enjoy holi !
I know some people suggest a gradual transition, but the only long haul flight I have taken (while on MDI) I just ended up firefighting with rapid corrections and shifted to the destination time zone during the flight. I figured flight/aircraft food would be a bit of a mixed bag anyway so I may as well just run with it! Settled down v quickly when I got to the other end 🙂
I have done many, many long haul flights since being on the pump (at the moment I'm in New England ) and I've found that what works for me is to a) change the pump time to the destination local time as soon as the plane takes off, and b) test, test, test and correct when necessary. I've not found any hard and fast rule, which is why I test a lot and don't apply a TBR, but most often I tend to run high BS probably because of inactivity.
Hi. Thanks for your replies. Having spoken to our med team we changed the time on the pump to the local time once we got here and it seems to be working well so far. And as we are enjoying VERY warm temperatures, that is keeping levels down! Apple juice always at the ready! (Just going to put a temp basal reduction on and see how that works)
Thanks again
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