Long, complication-free life with diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A DEER Park resident is spreading the message that life can be rich and rewarding, even with diabetes.
Margaret Burge was upset when she was diagnosed with diabetes 62 years ago.

However, with two young children to raise she had no choice but to get on with her busy life.

Prior to her diagnosis Margaret had been feeling tired and run down and wasn't sure what was happening.

Although often hereditary, Margaret was the first in her family to be diagnosed with diabetes.


There's a lot of Aussies currently in the news for living over 50 years with diabetes! Thinking of emigrating! 🙂
One of the forum members has had diabetes for about 65 years and is fit and healthy with no complications. Richard is from the USA though.
One of the forum members has had diabetes for about 65 years and is fit and healthy with no complications. Richard is from the USA though.

Yes, I think Richard is on every forum in the English-speaking world! He's an inspiration and a very good advocate for diabetes 🙂 I think I frst read his story on Diabetes Daily not long after I was diagnosed and it really helped me realise that the 'scare stories' didn't necessarily apply to everyone!.

His life story, Beating the Odds is available on kindle 🙂
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