long awaited gp appointment

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all,
as some of you will know from my previous thread i had a gp appointment today to ask about a referall to another diabetic team and also to try and sort out the pains and vomiting ive been experiencing. well it was a rubbish appointment. firstly she said that what did i want another opinion for and i said because for example last week :when ive been ringing them up and saying that my blood sug ars are over 25 and have been for the past four days and i am told to carry on and do nothing i dont find it acceptable and think that something needs to be done about it to be honest. she said that since there are national standards for diabetes any other team would say the same. i said i really don't think that they would to be honest i dont think it is acceptable for anyone to say. secondly she said that the being sick and the tummyaches are because of diabetes, she didnt examine me or anything and said okay how do you know? and she said because it is a symptom of diabetes and this is not a new problem is it. i said no this is not a new problem but it has gotten a lot worse just recently. she said that it is very difficult to know what to do.
she prescribed me some different anti nausea medications and something for my extreme thrush which is also getting much much worse and is undoubtly down to crazy blood sugars (sorry if this is tmi )
i have told my boyfriend about this of course and he is not at all happy and told me to ask for another appointment. i have booked another apointment for tuesday for a different gp and also for the gp practice's diabetic nurse. because i feel that having these blood sugars untill i see the consultant in over two weeks time is not really acceptable. would everyone else agree with me? opinions please peeps?
i don't know what to do anymore. i really can't cope. i have been sick everyday several times :( if it is the diabetes making me sick then i need it to be sorted out and if it is something else then that also needs identifying and sorting out. i am at my wits end i really truly dont know what to do. i just want my life back. thanks very much for reading peoples, and for your continued support, it means a lot to me 🙂
lucy xxxx
You dont seem to be getting much help from your GP, can you phone up a diabetic nurse who can advise you...........

In the mean time I would not be scared to pump yourself full of insulin and keep your blood monitor to hand.......

You just cant function with sugars like that and if your normal doses are not doing anything it may be that your ill (sore stomach - stomach bug), then you definetly need more insulin..........are you aware of any sick day rules to follow, for me specifically DAFNE, I am unsure what advice is given to non dafne educated diabetics........
hiya , you have the right to choose where and by whom you are seen...if you want to be transfered somewhere slse they have to transfer you...its not thier desision at all.... sounds like your gp is a joke (much like mine) put your foot down and state your rights to choose!.. and that they also cannot deny you a second oppinion...that is also one of your rights
as for being sick...could be to do with the sugars...but then might not be and i cant belive they wont check you for anything else... do you have a good dsn?? if you do try explaining the situation to them...thats what i ended up having to do...i would have never been diagnosed with autonomic neuropathy if it wasnt for her...she sent me to see a doc about me feeling rough...and i was put on medication for my blood pressure (thats something the gp could have done!)...
but any way definatley put your foot down
i hope you get it sorted soon (( hugs))
hey all,
as some of you will know from my previous thread i had a gp appointment today to ask about a referall to another diabetic team and also to try and sort out the pains and vomiting ive been experiencing. well it was a rubbish appointment. firstly she said that what did i want another opinion for and i said because for example last week :when ive been ringing them up and saying that my blood sug ars are over 25 and have been for the past four days and i am told to carry on and do nothing i dont find it acceptable and think that something needs to be done about it to be honest. she said that since there are national standards for diabetes any other team would say the same. i said i really don't think that they would to be honest i dont think it is acceptable for anyone to say. secondly she said that the being sick and the tummyaches are because of diabetes, she didnt examine me or anything and said okay how do you know? and she said because it is a symptom of diabetes and this is not a new problem is it. i said no this is not a new problem but it has gotten a lot worse just recently. she said that it is very difficult to know what to do.
she prescribed me some different anti nausea medications and something for my extreme thrush which is also getting much much worse and is undoubtly down to crazy blood sugars (sorry if this is tmi )
i have told my boyfriend about this of course and he is not at all happy and told me to ask for another appointment. i have booked another apointment for tuesday for a different gp and also for the gp practice's diabetic nurse. because i feel that having these blood sugars untill i see the consultant in over two weeks time is not really acceptable. would everyone else agree with me? opinions please peeps?
i don't know what to do anymore. i really can't cope. i have been sick everyday several times :( if it is the diabetes making me sick then i need it to be sorted out and if it is something else then that also needs identifying and sorting out. i am at my wits end i really truly dont know what to do. i just want my life back. thanks very much for reading peoples, and for your continued support, it means a lot to me 🙂
lucy xxxx

No, those answers are NOT acceptable. If you're running that high all the time something needs to be done about it. It's all a question of adjusting your insulin doses. Just because you're on 2 injections, doesn't mean you can't change the dose. I don't think my DSN would tell you to do nothing! This is NOT advice, but I reckon she'd tell you to increase the morning dose by 1 and see for 3 days if it makes any difference. And after that do the same in the evening. But to take it slowly, so that you don't crash. And keep doing it until you are down to a good level.

On another thread by you, I answered your question how 2 injections work. I hope you've seen it and shed a little light on it all.

Yes you're right to make another appointment with another doctor.
Oh Lucy what a nightmare!!! 😱

What a total DINGBAT DOC!!!! There might be a national framework, but as this forum's experiences show, not all diabetes teams are equal!! And no WAY are BGs of 25 + acceptable! :( Well done rebooking with a different doc, good idea! Look up online PALS too - I really think it's time to get some advocacy support on your side...

As for nausea / vomiting being a symptom of diabetes...!!!! I have had type 1 for 32 years now, and I do not get sick every day!!! A symptom of untreated diabetes, yes, which goes to show they are not helping you effectively. Honestly, if you live close to a different hospital from your diabetic clinic & it has an a&e, if you're getting worried go & take yourself there & get admitted as an emergency - I know there might be implications (ie some insurance forms ask if you've been admitted as a result of your diabetes etc) but if you're not getting the right control you need help, and it sounds like you're not going to get it from your GP!

Here are what look like some useful pages:


I really feel for you Kitten, I think your GP sounds like a four legged thing with long ears, and as for your diabetic team, they leave me speechless!!! 😱

Thinking of you,

Twitchy xxx
hey all thank you so very very very much for your support 🙂
monica - a very special thanks to you for that other reply i tried to put a reply on that thread but the computer crashed so sorry about that but that info that you gave me is the most i have ever known about two a day 🙂
i am honestly trying to do everything right. i dont have any correction doses because of being on the two a day and have been told that under no circumstances am i allowed to give myself anything other than the two a day injections. i am eating sensibly (when i am managing to eat) and nothing high in sugar or anything like that.
thanks so much to you all, you keep me going 🙂
love lucy xxx
Hi Lucy, as the others have said, this really is appalling. National Framework or not, the standards are applied with vastly different levels of success and it really is frightening how little some HCPs are prepared to do to tackle problems such as yours. From reading your posts it appears that you have so far been told precisely the wrong things to do to succeed in your diabetes management whilst leading a full and active life. Two injection a day and blaming diabetes for all your problems - and blaming you for having them in the first place is lazy and nonsensical. Diabetes is not to blame for every illness or problem we have so unless there is a clear correlation then any complaint should be investigated as if you were not a diabetic. Diabetics do not routinely suffer from extreme nausea and stomach cramps. Did you investigate the possibility of Coeliac disease?

I hope that the new doctor is more professional and caring, and knowledgeable. The 'care' you have been receiving is scandalous - there are children who could give better advice!
Northerner i must apologise as I owe you a reply on my other thread but that reply also fell foul of the computer crashing. I have been tested for coeliac in the past and the results have been negative but i don't know whether this can change over time? I think that it can ? and that the last time that i was tested was about a year or so ago but i was also suffering pains at the time. To be honest I have had the tummy pains on and off for years but recently they have got much worse - more severe pains, much much more frequent and the sickness.
I feel really lost and I don't know what to do. I do whatever they tell me to do and I do it to the letter.I also feel precisely as you do about blaming everything onto the diabetes I feel very sure that it isnt due to diabetes to be honest. It is soemthing else probably and surely it is best to be sure to rule anything else out rather than just assuming? and if it is the diabetes then somebody please sort the diabetes out :( sorry to moan i just feel so lost, im so so so grateful to all you guys for all of your support,idk what id do without u
lucy xxx
I saw my GP today....

I had appointment with Diabetic Nurse last week who advised switching from Levermir to Lantus. I had appointment with GP today to arrange prescription. Following comments on this forum yesterday I had concerns that this was best course of action. For example does Lantus give a better all day cover? Should I try splitting the Levemir into evening / morning injections before switching?....GP had no idea as he only handles T2 diabetics (could have told me this in May) and the GP who looks after T1 is not available (could be long term). Also I needed ketone strips for my Optimum Plus (blood sugar 18 this morning and only 1 strip left after checking ketone) - he couldn't find them on his computer to order and gave me a prescription for another make. Pharmacy found the correct order but only after I spent 10 minutes trying to convince 2 different people that the optimium plus checks ketones from blood. Who said life wasn't fun.....:confused:
hey all thank you so very very very much for your support 🙂
monica - a very special thanks to you for that other reply i tried to put a reply on that thread but the computer crashed so sorry about that but that info that you gave me is the most i have ever known about two a day 🙂
i am honestly trying to do everything right. i dont have any correction doses because of being on the two a day and have been told that under no circumstances am i allowed to give myself anything other than the two a day injections. i am eating sensibly (when i am managing to eat) and nothing high in sugar or anything like that.
thanks so much to you all, you keep me going 🙂
love lucy xxx

No, no, I wasn't talking about correction doses, I was talking about increasing your dosage. Obviously,to me anyway, you don't get enough insulin to cover your food. So you need to increase it. That's what we did with Carol, when she was on 2 a day. But I have to stress, DON'T do it just because I said so!!!!🙂

It's no wonder you're tearing your hair out!!!! I'm no expert, but I feel I want to come round to yours and help you out. Although I have to admit, I'm no longer on top of 2 injections anymore, as Carol is now on MDI. Things/ideas might have changed by now.
Some Drs make assumptions based on previous history. I know of one person who went to their GP complaining of breathlessness. They were never examined but told that it was a panic attack. This person's daughter ended up taking them to A&E where again because of history they wanted to just discharge with a diagnosis of panic. The daughter stuck to her guns and was proved right - the diagnosis was a clot on the lung.

It's really hard to stand up for yourself when stressed, could you get your boyfriend to go with you.

I thought that one of the requirements of the National Framework is that you and your care team agree a care plan - well that hasn't happened you have had it imposed on you.
The care team are also failing to offer information as and when it is required - in fact from what you say they have completely refused.

Take a look at the framework and use it when you see the GP - to show how its not being kept to.

Also you or whoever you are with should ask for a referral to rule out other causes of nausea / vomitting.

I hope that you can get some help soon.
Kitten, sorry to be a bit dopey, (forgetful, long week!!!) but did someone ask whereabouts you are from? I was wondering if maybe we could ask if anyone on the forum knows of a really good diabetes team in your PCT area - that way when you go to the other GP next week you could go prepared & demand an emergency referral to that team - worst case I can't believe you'll get worse care than you've received to date?! :confused:

Might be worth a try? xx
I had appointment with Diabetic Nurse last week who advised switching from Levermir to Lantus. I had appointment with GP today to arrange prescription. Following comments on this forum yesterday I had concerns that this was best course of action. For example does Lantus give a better all day cover? Should I try splitting the Levemir into evening / morning injections before switching?....GP had no idea as he only handles T2 diabetics (could have told me this in May) and the GP who looks after T1 is not available (could be long term). Also I needed ketone strips for my Optimum Plus (blood sugar 18 this morning and only 1 strip left after checking ketone) - he couldn't find them on his computer to order and gave me a prescription for another make. Pharmacy found the correct order but only after I spent 10 minutes trying to convince 2 different people that the optimium plus checks ketones from blood. Who said life wasn't fun.....:confused:

What a load of rubbish, your doctor telling you that he couldn't advise you on insulin because he only deals with type 2 diabetics. Does he think that type 2 diabetics do not take insulin. I am type 2 and take Novorapid also 140 units of Levemir split into 70 units morning and night, so he would have big problems treating me as a type 2.
OMG! I can't believe how you are being treated. My diabetes team is pretty rubbish, as is my gp when it comes to diabetes, but I am lucky enough to have a brilliant DN. I hope your appointment with the next gp goes much better and they help you out. BS that high and constant sickness is not something you should have to put up with. I would be very surprised if the sickness is a result of the diabetes, being as frequent as it is, I hope you get an answer soon. Keep badgering until you get the help you deserve!

Just a thought Kitten - when you've been sick, have you done a BG test & checked for ketones?... I'm just wondering if maybe the sickness might after all be related to ketones?! :confused: If that's the case, as you're stuck on the 2 jabs, I'd definitely head off to A&E for help getting the levels straight!... Don't mean to alarm you, but probably worth checking? (As it is, if you're running high & vomiting a lot you're risking getting dehydrated as it is - are you able to keep much down? Dioralyte is really handy when the kids have a tummy bug, helps them feel better by replacing lost salt & fluids...!)

Take care of yourself,

Twitchy xxx
hey everyone, sorry that this is just the quickest of updates. just to let you all know that i have emailed john davis at input. and also that i currently have no ketones 🙂 wahooooo 🙂 sorry that the replies are short i really really hope that you dont all feel offended. it is just very difficult for me to talk about the diabetes, which i know sounds so pathetic. but i am soooooooooo grateful to you all for everything. diabetics unite! we are an unstoppable force! p.s. i live in the north west if a nyone feels that they can advise me on good pumping hospitals in the area (willing to travel! ) then could you please pm me and i will give you more information on whereabouts i do actually live. Please no one taken offence but i don't want to put my precise location in public. NOT NOT NOT NOT because of any of you but because of unregistered users that may be looking and be up to no good if you see what i mean. i hope that you all understand and i may be being completely paranoid about internet safety but also because of if anyone from the hospital i am currently being treated at regularly lurks on here. thanks so much
lucy xxx
Totally understand! Don't worry, I think you're being very sensible! 🙂
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