long 3 day car driving suggestions for basal increments .

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am driving a total of 1400km about 870miles and often forget to adjust my basal and end up with high sugar , sitting and the mental stress of driving all day is allways a calculated guess ,i just thought how other type 1s manage to travel without your sugar getting to far out of control.
I have not done the 3 days of travel for a long time but I do have a 7 hour drive to the in laws for Christmas coming up. I tend to increase my basal (which is easier on a pump), test frequently (I follow the UK DVLA guidelines and test every 2 hours) and correct if necessary.
Typically, I find longer journeys less stressful. Maybe because I start to get into the swing of things and because longer journeys tend to be boring monotonous motorways which require little navigation around city one way systems that require you to be in specific lanes.
I just test every 2hours and correct as necessary
Thanks for your reply's in the past i do check now and then also rely on librelink or xdrip to tell me when its high ,but this time i am going to experiment on percentages of extra temporary basal settings because 3 days is to long to keep winging it as i have done in the past,it should be a little better this time as i am going to drive shorter distastes each day this time thanks for your advise .
Thanks for your reply's in the past i do check now and then also rely on librelink or xdrip to tell me when its high ,but this time i am going to experiment on percentages of extra temporary basal settings because 3 days is to long to keep winging it as i have done in the past,it should be a little better this time as i am going to drive shorter distastes each day this time thanks for your advise .
When you say you check every now and then, do you mean a minimum of once every 2 hours, never driving more than 2 hours since your last test, as per the DVLA requirements?
No lucyr i usually check more often than 2 hrs it depends if my last check was on the way up or down ,i try to keep a tighter level when driving a long journey as my metabolism slows down and corrections are very slow to work.
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