Local girl given insulin pump to help her battle diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A RUTHERGLEN teenager is delighted after finally being approved for a insulin pump that should help her diabetes.
Fiona Clark (13) has regularly struggled with injections for her diabetes since she was diagnosed.
That led her mum Elaine to try and raise enough funds to afford an insulim pump that would make life easierfor her.
While the NHS provide insulin pumps, they allocate them through a waiting list, and Fiona was unsure when she?d get one.

Just read the article. Made me mad reading the bit about the insulin allergy and still having to use it due to the others probably not giving her control.

By that I suspect they mean animal insulin. I would also suspect the team if you can call it that have no idea how to use it and don't want to know either. 😡
While I'm pleased for the girl that she's got her pump, isn't it a pity that this should even be a news story. Pumps should be so routine that no-one raises an eyebrow, let alone writes an article about it. It's terrible that she had to fight so hard for something she needs to keep her healthy
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