Living/working alone

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a thought that came to me after reading Sam's earlier post. Do many of you live or work alone and does this give you any concerns regarding your diabetes/ do you do anything different because of this?

I live with 4 housemates so living alone isn't something that generally bothers me. However they've all been away for the past week (and will be for nearly another), I'm also the only person in my office at work at the moment so I can go all day with no planned with anyone (that makes me sound really sad!). It's not something that's really been bothering me, I've never had a hypo that I haven't been able to deal with, but of course there's always that possibility.

So, does living/working alone bother any of you, and is there anything you do to minimise any risk...?
I don't live alone, but sometimes I'm on my own at work, be it in the office or in an empty derelict building / piece of land, when I am alone (& out of the office) I test more and probably eat more! But yes sometimes it concerns me, when I don't have much food on me(when I've forgotten), and I'm miles from anywhere! But I have secret stashes in the car, that reminds me I need to fill them up from last time I needed them!
very good thread topic aymes may i say firstly :D.

Like Rossi i dont live alone but at work i can be left alone for sometimes as long as an hour it dont really bother me or has crossed my mind , butsomething that does cross my mind is if i hyper alone so far the hypers i have had have always been when o/h has been in but of course we aint together 24/7 so that side of being alone worries me slightly
I've lived alone for the past three years, and I quite often work alone. I've never really worried about it, but I have fairly good hypo awareness. I think I'd feel quite different if I was hypo unaware and passing out from hypos.

I do always make sure I have a stash of glucose though! :D
I don't live alone, but sometimes work alone. When I have to work alone my manager has asked I check in every hour or so so that she knows I'm OK. I also leave a note to say where I am working. If I do not return to my desk by certain times, she will then come and look for me to make sure I am OK. Works quite well as the system helps everyone to remeber their own breaks and things too.
I lived alone for the last 6 years whilst I worked down in London. Never had any real problems until I got the flu (old fashioned flu, before swine flu took over!) where my Dad had to stay with me at my flat to make sure I was ok.
Don't let the Big 'D' stop you doing anything, you just have to be more careful! I spent a year in Australia after finishing Uni and it's something I'll remember for the rest of my life. Living alone with diabetes just means you have to test a lot and remember to eat but it really shouldn't stop you doing anything you want to.
I lived alone for the last 6 years whilst I worked down in London. Never had any real problems until I got the flu (old fashioned flu, before swine flu took over!) where my Dad had to stay with me at my flat to make sure I was ok.
Don't let the Big 'D' stop you doing anything, you just have to be more careful! I spent a year in Australia after finishing Uni and it's something I'll remember for the rest of my life. Living alone with diabetes just means you have to test a lot and remember to eat but it really shouldn't stop you doing anything you want to.

I agree totally , It doesnt rule me anymore , sometimes I have to play by the rules and eat when Im not hungry especially if I fancy a nap on the sofa , just to guarantee I'll wake up again but its just my way of life now . And I test and test and test again I'm compulsive about it heheh 😱
I don't live alone and don't ever really work alone, there is always someone around. But I do worry occasionally that i could have a hypo whilst I am the only trained person around (if the other is on break). It hasn't happened yet and I try not to run my levels too low at work, I ike to sit around 6 whilst working.
Hi All

Whilst Nathan does'nt live alone..having said that Nathan is 14..I do worry about him when he is out with mates etc..and if I have to nip to the co-op which is 5mins away..I do give him as much freedom as any other 14yr old..within reason..But it does'nt stop me as his mam from being concerned about his safety and welfare...Even when Nathan is at his mates house or at the park..I tend not to leave the house just in case.

Im going to be doing 3 hr train journey on my own in 2 weeks that scares me slightly if the weather is how it is now then i will be sweltering sat in a carriage for that amout of time playing havoc with my bad heads grr
I dont live alone, dont really work alone apart from 1 hour at work and when im home working... or chatting on here!

I hadn't bothered about it but must admit that when i walk the puppy i make sure I have supplies and today i felt very vulnerable because i'd forgotten my phone.

Julie x
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