Living with a Long-Term health Condition Study. Research opportunity with King's College London!

Relationship to Diabetes
King’s College London would like to test a new questionnaire they have developed to measure em...png

Hello everyone! :)

We are conducting research with King's College London!
Would you like to take part in our study?

We are looking for:
1. People who live in the UK.
2. People who are over 18.
3. People who have a long-term health condition, such as diabetes.

It will only take 20 mins to complete the first survey, followed by 10 mins a week later to complete the next survey. So, it is pretty quick and easy!

AND those who complete the questionnaires will be entered into a prize draw for 5 X £100 vouchers. :D

Click on the image to take part! Or, click the link here, or scan the QR code.

Feel free to email us for more details and any questions at

Thank you!
The LTC study team.

This study has been approved by Mike @everydayupsanddowns

I found quite a lot of the Qs, I had to answer smack in the middle cos it isn't usually the ones either side - except when it is! LOL

I found quite a lot of the Qs, I had to answer smack in the middle cos it isn't usually the ones either side - except when it is! LOL
It was interesting having to think about the answer to many of them, because for me managing my diabetes is just something I do automatically, and I don't really think consciously about it most of the time, if that makes sense.

Just a couple of observations

1. Why does the questionnaire ask for my age twice? Unnecessary
2. I think the answers to the questions would probably be different depending on the type of diabetes someone is diagnosed as having so maybe an identifying 'type' would not only be relevant but possibly essential in the subsequent analysis and recommendations/conclusions
3. Grammatical error section 12 'feeling that may doctor' may should read 'my'
4. Referring only to a doctor could make some of the responses inaccurate. Referece to doctor/DSN might provide more accurate responses.

Overall this was a very detailed, correct and useful questionnaire.
I've just tried to do the questionnaire, however, I'm confused. It's asked me about something I guess are "symptoms" (though not described as such: "8. Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Please select your answer on the scale provided."), to which I answered I've been tired on a couple of days (which is because I've done large mileages on my bike.... but is this supposed to be related to my diabetes specifically...?)

Later on it says this: "11. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about your current symptoms by selecting an option for each statement". What is this supposed to relate to? My answer to 8) (and 9) or whatever disease (Diabetes) I ticked for which I've not been asked about any "symptoms"? One of the questions here says "I'm afraid I will make my symptoms worse if I exercise" - so should my answer be: yes, I'm tired as I'd ridden a lot and if I do more it will be worse; or should it be no, it will bring down my blood sugar if it's high; or yes, I have low blood sugar so exercise is bad news; or can I select all 3 as it is presumably for the last 2 week period that was previously mentioned? :)

I guess you actually want answers to 8) and 9) that are specifically related to the health problem in question (vs my sporting and commuting activities), so I should remove my feeling tired answer and complete the questionnaire just considering diabetes? Am happy to complete it if you could clarify, though I think my answers may either be quite boring or otherwise confusing if I tell you exercise won't improve "feeling tired".
I've just tried to do the questionnaire, however, I'm confused. It's asked me about something I guess are "symptoms" (though not described as such: "8. Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Please select your answer on the scale provided."), to which I answered I've been tired on a couple of days (which is because I've done large mileages on my bike.... but is this supposed to be related to my diabetes specifically...?)

Later on it says this: "11. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about your current symptoms by selecting an option for each statement". What is this supposed to relate to? My answer to 8) (and 9) or whatever disease (Diabetes) I ticked for which I've not been asked about any "symptoms"? One of the questions here says "I'm afraid I will make my symptoms worse if I exercise" - so should my answer be: yes, I'm tired as I'd ridden a lot and if I do more it will be worse; or should it be no, it will bring down my blood sugar if it's high; or yes, I have low blood sugar so exercise is bad news; or can I select all 3 as it is presumably for the last 2 week period that was previously mentioned? :)

I guess you actually want answers to 8) and 9) that are specifically related to the health problem in question (vs my sporting and commuting activities), so I should remove my feeling tired answer and complete the questionnaire just considering diabetes? Am happy to complete it if you could clarify, though I think my answers may either be quite boring or otherwise confusing if I tell you exercise won't improve "feeling tired".
Those are very thorough thoughts! For question 8, it is more focused on your own perception of health, ideally, this is related to your diabetes rather than cycling (I must add, great stuff! I just finished a cycle ride on the south downs!).

Question 11, it looks more into your thought processes, so it's good that you are thinking about it! there is no right or wrong answer; it purely depends on where your mind takes you!

All in all, we ideally want you to focus on how your experience with Diabetes is impacted the last two weeks when answering these questions, as this will help in the accuracy of our measure. But, it is wonderful that you have been thoughtful in answering our questions!

Thanks again
Edward from the LTC study team

Just a couple of observations

1. Why does the questionnaire ask for my age twice? Unnecessary
2. I think the answers to the questions would probably be different depending on the type of diabetes someone is diagnosed as having so maybe an identifying 'type' would not only be relevant but possibly essential in the subsequent analysis and recommendations/conclusions
3. Grammatical error section 12 'feeling that may doctor' may should read 'my'
4. Referring only to a doctor could make some of the responses inaccurate. Referece to doctor/DSN might provide more accurate responses.

Overall this was a very detailed, correct and useful questionnaire.
Hi there Gwynn!
1. Yes I suggested this with the survey meetings, the first time acts as an eligibility barrier for the main questionnaire; unfortunately, due to some GDPR issues with personal data and storage, it lead to the question being asked twice.
2. Very good idea! in future we will be doing a comparison between types of diabetes, as well as other differential LTCs and how it makes a different impact in peoples lives.
3. You have a great eye! fixed that now!
4. We have to stick with the word Doctor unfortunately as the DDS is a standardised measure.

Thank you for your time and detailed feedback good to hear it is useful and correct :D!

I found quite a lot of the Qs, I had to answer smack in the middle cos it isn't usually the ones either side - except when it is! LOL
Yes, we have seen some of that too with some other feedback! Usually just go through life automatically and feel in the middle, with the occasional "OMG I'm feeling on the bad OR amazing side" days.

Thanks for your feedback Jenny!