Lives of elderly at mercy of postcode lottery in 'ageist' NHS, figures suggest

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Age discrimination is rife in the NHS with elderly people routinely being denied potentially life-saving treatment simply because of where they live, stark new figures suggest.

Treatment statistics obtained by the former health minister Paul Burstow show dramatic variations between the availability of surgery for people over 75 in different parts of England.

It amounts to alarming evidence that older people?s lives are being placed at the mercy of an unfair postcode lottery in the health service, Mr Burstow said.

Patients over the age of 75 are six times as likely to be allowed cancer surgery in some areas as in others, according to the figures obtained in response to a Parliamentary question tabled by Mr Burstow.
Had experience of the age discrimination last year at the local hospital. Patients were ignored, treatment / diagnosis was denied and care was appalling in certain areas.
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