Live at 5pm

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
thats me for the past 13 days had saline Going to Insulin at 5pm tonight fair excited
Ooooh - any second now in the Marier household a momentous event will take place as Marie swaps the reservoir in her pump ........ further news follows .......
....good luck!
Best of luck 🙂
Hope the first 43 mins have been ok x

Good luck
We are all sitting on the edge of our seats ! Hope it goes well 🙂
Sorry friends just never got back to telling you all how it went txtn other 3 ladies who on course with n phone just never stoppd anyway

5pm BG 9.8 had T at 6
7pm BG 13.1
8PM BG 10.1
9PM BG 9.8
10 PM BG 9.1 decide not to correct was happy to have that as bedtime reading but test during nigt Howver testd again at 10.30 pm BG 5.4:confused: SO have had 1 ginger nut biscuit cabs 7.4 not had any insulin n off to bed see what were like during night and in am
Well on the assumption you are still with us this morning !! I wouldn't worry too much at the mo, running a bit high. It will be a few days before you get your old long-acting out of your system and only after that can you start to basal test and make some sense out of it.

You can of course, correct CONSERVATIVELY pre meals and the biscuit was good, you ought to be aiming for 7-8.ish at bedtime to begin with until you are pretty sure your overnights are good.

How exciting, I remember feeling REALLY daring going to bed with a 5. something for the first time ever!
Well on the assumption you are still with us this morning !! I wouldn't worry too much at the mo, running a bit high. It will be a few days before you get your old long-acting out of your system and only after that can you start to basal test and make some sense out of it.

You can of course, correct CONSERVATIVELY pre meals and the biscuit was good, you ought to be aiming for 7-8.ish at bedtime to begin with until you are pretty sure your overnights are good.

How exciting, I remember feeling REALLY daring going to bed with a 5. something for the first time ever!

.....still scares me! 😉
Great start. You will get more confident once your basal is sorted
Hi Guys thats me done Basal test last few aft from 12 /6pm and im as steady as a rock 6.1 6.4 6.3 6.0 6.1 6.1 🙂 had last day on course today kinda sad to come away would loved to of gone back nxt week. Going to do temp basal when out for walk tommr give it a go anyway Hope you are all doing good
Hi Guys thats me done Basal test last few aft from 12 /6pm and im as steady as a rock 6.1 6.4 6.3 6.0 6.1 6.1 🙂 had last day on course today kinda sad to come away would loved to of gone back nxt week. Going to do temp basal when out for walk tommr give it a go anyway Hope you are all doing good

That's fantastic Marie! Well done you - enjoy your walk with your new 'friend'! 🙂
Hi Guys thats me done Basal test last few aft from 12 /6pm and im as steady as a rock 6.1 6.4 6.3 6.0 6.1 6.1 🙂 had last day on course today kinda sad to come away would loved to of gone back nxt week. Going to do temp basal when out for walk tommr give it a go anyway Hope you are all doing good

Brilliant results, sounds like you have really taken to the pump well!
Ok had my walk reduced Basal _ 10 % at 10.50am BG 11.0 Set of for 30 min walk 11.20 am BG on arrival 30 min ltr 7.0🙂🙂🙂 Home again lunch 12.50 pm BG 6.4 had tomato cuppa soup n low fat yogurt had correct carbs 2.55pm Hypo BG 3.6 was it the drop still ffrom walk ?
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