Little treats?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi forum!

You know when you're in a bit of a blue mood and you need a pick-me-up?
Or it's been a nice day and you'd like a cherry topper?
Or you want to reward yourself for something?

What do you turn to that isn't food?

I'd normally get a cake via JustEat, or do a little shopping trip to get some junk food to eat while watching TV with my family, but I want to move away from using food as a little treat after getting my diagnosis (this month).

The thing is, I've got a host of other disabilities that cause mostly chronic pain and exercise intolerance/fatigue, and I have chronic migraines that can hit at any moment, so my options are limited. I don't have a lot of money as I'm only on ESA, so I can't buy little things here and there either.

I've only been able to think of taking a fancy bath, with a nice bath bomb, getting it all set up with candles and things, but I can't do that whenever I want, and it's a bit of an energy sink.

Grabbing a treat was quick, easy, repeatable and something I could do under my own strength.

What do YOU do to give yourself a little treat that doesn't involve food, and uses up as little energy, money and effort as possible?

Thank you kindly!
@DCJ A glass of wine, a nice long shower, a free film online, a 99p Kindle book, browsing and ordering books I’ve been meaning to read for ages from the library, a face mask, a foot mask, doing my nails, reading a book, watching mindless videos on YouTube, buying myself a plant - lots of other things too 🙂

Welcome to the forum 🙂 How long have you had Type 2?
On the topic of books - you can get older books for free to read on a tablet / laptop / computer. They are in EPUB format so they can be read easily on any electronic device (including on a phone).
EPUB Books and Project Gutenberg are two sources.
If you were interested in a epub reader for a phone / tablet I'm a big fan of this free one ReadEra (no ads at all)
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i found that whatever carbs i eat - if i also drink alcohol my BS levels remain below 10!!!
@Inka oh, those are good ones! I can't drink because of the migraines, but I always want to. I'm going to make a list so I can refer to it when I want a snack and do one of those instead.

Thank you! I was diagnosed earlier this week, it's been a time. Having to juggle this now too on top of monitoring my migraines and my blood pressure and my heart rate and already not being able to do anything because of my health otherwise, it kinda feels like another one of the few doors I had open to me have closed too.

@s'nic that is so sweet of you, and helpful. I'm going to check that out, thank you so much!

@Pam123 lol you should see my nails, bitten down short. My sister's good at nails though, but I get hand tremors so mine look like unplanned Jackson Pollock

@eddymyers lol, man, I miss drinking.

Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy days to reply, I appreciate it so much, I feel less adrift with this.
@Inka oh, those are good ones! I can't drink because of the migraines, but I always want to. I'm going to make a list so I can refer to it when I want a snack and do one of those instead.

Thank you! I was diagnosed earlier this week, it's been a time. Having to juggle this now too on top of monitoring my migraines and my blood pressure and my heart rate and already not being able to do anything because of my health otherwise, it kinda feels like another one of the few doors I had open to me have closed too.

@s'nic that is so sweet of you, and helpful. I'm going to check that out, thank you so much!

@Pam123 lol you should see my nails, bitten down short. My sister's good at nails though, but I get hand tremors so mine look like unplanned Jackson Pollock

@eddymyers lol, man, I miss drinking.

Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy days to reply, I appreciate it so much, I feel less adrift with this.
it is difficult working out what is available to you....i still find that after being diagnosed a couple of years ago - nothing can truly replace a delightful snack/treat!!!
Hi forum!

You know when you're in a bit of a blue mood and you need a pick-me-up?
Or it's been a nice day and you'd like a cherry topper?
Or you want to reward yourself for something?

What do you turn to that isn't food?

I'd normally get a cake via JustEat, or do a little shopping trip to get some junk food to eat while watching TV with my family, but I want to move away from using food as a little treat after getting my diagnosis (this month).

The thing is, I've got a host of other disabilities that cause mostly chronic pain and exercise intolerance/fatigue, and I have chronic migraines that can hit at any moment, so my options are limited. I don't have a lot of money as I'm only on ESA, so I can't buy little things here and there either.

I've only been able to think of taking a fancy bath, with a nice bath bomb, getting it all set up with candles and things, but I can't do that whenever I want, and it's a bit of an energy sink.

Grabbing a treat was quick, easy, repeatable and something I could do under my own strength.

What do YOU do to give yourself a little treat that doesn't involve food, and uses up as little energy, money and effort as possible?

Thank you kindly!
If I want a little 'treat', I factor the carb content and allow myself a single item. It can be a biscuit with my coffee or a Graze bar. But it's not something that happens everyday, so I tend not to stress about it. It takes time to work it out and mistakes were made
LOL no i have gin with grapefruit and spring water
At christmas instead of a traditional bucks fizz (champagne/fizzy stiff + orange juice) we tried using orange VKD instead of orange juice - we were all drunk by lunch time!
Spotify. I made a playlist for my latest “significant birthday” celebration and it ran to 13 hours (so you might guess my age is fairly advanced!). Of course we never got through it on the evening in question so when I want a break from the things I should be doing, I sit down with a cuppa and play it on random. Sometimes I dance round the kitchen!
I quite like a sit down at one of the nice local coffee shops, a flat white, and a bit of people-watching. A flat white is small. and doesn’t seem to ruffle my BG levels.

I’ve joined a local sketching group this year too, which has regular monthly meet-ups, and encourages me to take 2-3 hours out for myself.

Do you have any hobbies or interests that could form part of a ‘treat’ opportunity?
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