Little lumps after changing cannula?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
Just wondering whether it's normal to have a little lump left after changing a cannula? Like the ones you sometimes have after injecting. Bit worried lol!
Yep, I usually have a little lump. It usually goes down within a few hours for me - but as with everything, just keep an eye on it 🙂 I know some people use tea tree-based products after changing to help healing.
Ahh okay thanks! I'll keep an eye on it 🙂

I've started using the Silhouette ones now I was at the DSN this morning and she showed me them. Had no pain at all inserting it or afterwards so I've gone with these ones now. I nearly passed out when I took the needle out though I didn't know it was that long lol! I know it's not all going into the skin but still looks damn scary!
what type of cannula do you use? soft or metal?
I would never even go near the steel ones! Eek 😛
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