Lipohypertrophy & pumps

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Do any current 'pumpers' have issues with this? I am sitting here wondering that if the insulin is continually being pumped into the same site for 2-3days, does it cause a build up and a lypo?

Sorry if it comes across as a weird question - I am just weird!!!!!:D

BUT is why I change mine every 2 days max, because I already have them.

One good thing though - say you change your cannula before brekkie? - well you'll know by approx 2 hours later whether you've stuck it in an existing lipo or not .....
Do any current 'pumpers' have issues with this? I am sitting here wondering that if the insulin is continually being pumped into the same site for 2-3days, does it cause a build up and a lypo?

Sorry if it comes across as a weird question - I am just weird!!!!!:D

Hi Suze,
not weird at all. As TW says this is one of the reasons why sites are changed every 3 days or in some cases 2.
Also on a pump most people have a massive reduction in their insulin needs. So as long as you remember all the basic rules about site rotation, you will be fine.
Have you ordered the book pumping insulin yet? 🙂 Good luck with your apt.
Do any current 'pumpers' have issues with this? I am sitting here wondering that if the insulin is continually being pumped into the same site for 2-3days, does it cause a build up and a lypo?

Sorry if it comes across as a weird question - I am just weird!!!!!:D

Definitely does with me Suzie, I often change my cannula every day, 2 days max
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