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Jade 93

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, so Iv had diabetes now for nearly 25 years and unfortunately i have lipodermatosclerosis on my lower leg. This isn’t a new thing iv had it for roughly 8 years but throughout my pregnancies it seems to have become bigger, I’m just wondering if anyone else suffers from this and if so have you done anything to correct the appearance? Tattoo? Laser treatment?

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum @Jade 93
I am glad that you have found us, and look forward to hearing more from you, with your years of experience.

I do not have any experience of lopidermatosclerosis, but there may be others on here that have.
Obviously that bit of skin is not behaving like normal healthy skin - therefore I have to say - I should have thought tattooing it would be about the last thing you'd want to do to it. Shedloads of damage from the needles and then add an alien substance (ie the ink) into the holes.
Hi all, so Iv had diabetes now for nearly 25 years and unfortunately i have lipodermatosclerosis on my lower leg. This isn’t a new thing iv had it for roughly 8 years but throughout my pregnancies it seems to have become bigger, I’m just wondering if anyone else suffers from this and if so have you done anything to correct the appearance? Tattoo? Laser treatment?

Thanks in advance.

I’m not sure what your condition looks like, but there are cover-up foundations that are superficially designed to cover skin discolourations. I can’t remember the brand but Google should help you. They’re camouflage foundations and can even cover tattoos.
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