line thing in tubing...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all, hope ur all well.

just wanted to ask a quick question.

Ive just done a set change and I have just filled my cannula but then ive just looked at my tubing and a sort of long line has appeared in it. it isnt a bubble, its just like a line... will this stop insulin going through or is this ok??

need to know asap so i can do another set change before ketones kick in lol

thanks xx
ive just looked at my old tubing ive just taken off and that has wee lines near the end of it and that was fine... so i dont know what to do lol

it moved slightly when i filled my cannula
If it moved, I would guess it's a bubble - I know you said it isn't, but are you sure? The only thing I can think that would move within tubing. Personally I'd change it (just the tubing bit, doesn't sound like a need to change set).
yeah i think it is a bubble actually lol just never seen one that long lol

ive primed it out so all good now hopefully lol

thanks xx

Sometimes with the 'mio's' there appears to be bubbles - but it is the way the tubing is wrapped around the holder and it causes little white lines on it.🙂Bev
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