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Well-Known Member
Hi guys,🙂

I'm lightheaded at the moment...Actually I'm suffering from it for about 10 days now.:(

My BS is within the OK range and I'm slowly loosing my weight. I'd like to lose some more, about 3kg.
Maybe I'm not eating enough? Do you think I should increase my food intake? But then, it might increase sugar level and I might gain some weight?
Because of the lightheadedness, I don't feel like excersice at all: I don't feel safe.

Can anybody please advise?
hi , just a thought but have you had your eyes checked recently? the only reason i ask is because the slightest change in your eyesight can make you feel lightheaded .
Kay, I sometimes feel like myself, but it usually goes away once i've had something to eat. I don't think the hot and humid weather helps much either. It could be that your blood sugar has dropped suddenly, maybe you're a little dihydrated so maybe something to drink would help. You can get blood pressure tests in some pharmacies, LLoyds are pretty good at that sort of thing, or you could ask for your doctor to check it.
If you do find that eating does help, you shouldn't need to eat a lot, just a snack might help. Whatever it is don't worry about your blood sugar or weight, one little blip on your blood sugar isn't going to increase your Hba1c or risk of complications as long as it doesn't last for a long time. Going out of range for one day isn't going to be a problem it's only if your blood sugar stays high for weeks that you need to worry. The same goes for weight, if "a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips" was true then we'd all yo-yo weight like crazy on an hourly basis. A little bit of what you fancy can do you good, and you can always limit the damage by chosing a healthy snack, like some fruit. Fruit may increase your blood sugar in the short term but us unlikely to do your weight any harm at all. Also my DSN advised me that not eating enough Carbs can make you lightheaded or headachy.
Losing weight is my pet peeve at the moment too, i hate exercise (there, i've said it!!! I HATE EXERCISE! that got that off my chest...🙂) and it's either too hot or i'm too tired to go to the gym, or the wrong time of the month. It has been pointed out to me that losing weight is doubly hard for diabetics, especially those of us with Insulin resistance. It's a catch-22, you can't reduce your insulin resistance without exercise and weight loss, but you can't exercise or lose weight coz you're insulin resistant.

Don't be scared, and don't beat yourself about what you can or can't eat, which is much easier said tha done, i know..No matter what i do or don't eat i'm still the same size (which, coz i'm too much of a wuss to step on the scales is the only way i can judge my success or lack of it), so i've got to exercise more or eat chicken salad everyday.

hi , just a thought but have you had your eyes checked recently? the only reason i ask is because the slightest change in your eyesight can make you feel lightheaded .

Hi Bex,
I got diagnosed with DM on 30/04/10, and I had my eyes tested on the same day. Nothing abnormal was found. So I hope my eyes are still OK...btw I like your quote ' Life is...'🙂
Hi Rachel,
Thank you for comprehensive explanation, it's very encouraging!
I'll try not to worry too much: I will have some healthy snack and drink occationally.

I've been a classic example of couchpotato (do people still use this word?), I like sitting on the couch, reading books and eating unhealthy snack! Now I'm trying to convince myself 'I LIKE EXERCISE' rather unsuccessfully. I started walking last year and now I want to jog/run. (haven't started yet)

Thanks again, I wish you all the best!
Lightheadedness can have a number of causes from our eyes not being quite right to low blood pressure. For re-assurance I'd go get it checked out by the docotor, especially if it is stopping you doing the things you normally do.
Thanks Caroline,
I'm going to see the doctor this week for my other problems. I will ask her to check my blood pressure.
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