Light bedrooms 'link to obesity'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sleeping in a room with too much light has been linked to an increased risk of piling on the pounds, a study shows.

A team at the Institute of Cancer Research in London found women had larger waistlines if their bedroom was "light enough to see across" at night.

However, they caution there is not enough evidence to advise people to buy thicker curtains or turn off lights.

The study of 113,000 women was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Whatever next? 🙄
Oh my god!:D and how much money did they spend to come to this conclusion?!
( having said that...I used to sleep with the curtains open 😱....I wonder...)
Even worse things happen if you leave the windows open as well:D
I'm sure it's a study that ends with the words "more research is needed".

I have also read that different types of light have varying degrees of harm eg blue light from portable devices, smart phones etc are more disruptive of sleep patterns than sunlight.
It was even on the Radio 4 news this morning! What a pile of you know what! So why aren't kids that sleep with night lights obese? Like you said fluffy Jo, how much money did they spend to come to that conclusion?!😱
Rowlocks is what I say! I live in a cave, can't sleep if there's light about, I even wear a mask some nights. What a waste of money that research was.
Rowlocks is what I say! I live in a cave, can't sleep if there's light about, I even wear a mask some nights. What a waste of money that research was.

I wonder if they pooled all the money allocated to pointless research and dedicated it to finding a cure, whether they could actually discover one within 10 years? 🙄
Light (artificial) through sleeping hours has been attributed to other diseases over the years, such as cancer in nightshift workers.

There is not a lot of natural light in the winter months, do you lose some weight then?

My Gran used to open the curtains as she went to bed - hated them shut. I used to find that intriguing as a child :D
Well we're OK now as of course to save money, the council now turn the streetlights off.

But personally I have found that once I close my eyes, my eyelids are excellent at keeping all the light out, even if it's a multi-LED head-light worn by my husband to night-fish.
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