Life insurance

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, decided to get my butt into gear and organise some life insurance...well I am having a right old job trying to get some, spoke to a broker today and as soon as i said i have type 2 diabetes it became a whole different ball game!!! he gonna ring me back tonight and let me know how he has got on, anyone else had problems getting insurance or can recommend anywhere whos premiums arent extortionate!!?
There are usually one or two advertisers in the pages of Balance Magazine. You could also do something like a Google Search. I think one of the keys here is to do your reasearch and shop around.

Last time I was refused medical insurance (about 20 years ago) it was because of my weight, and I'd got the letter from my doctor stating I was in good health and (at the time) had no pre existing medical conditions.
I find the 'specialist' insurers in Balance have always come in with costs on average 3 or 4 times more than approaching normal insures that I have researched independently as a Type 1. I would be interested to hesr how you get on - please keep us informed...
Hi Elaine

sadly, most insurers want the premium not the payout.
It is not just diabetes, there are many other premium loading and exclusion situations.

This also happens with travel insurance where for some reason as soon as you are 65 the premium doubles. Some won't insure you after 74/75. Fortunately my broker's father had similar medical conditions to myself and insure you up to 90yrs old.

At my age I know my companion is financially secure and the only insurance on life cover I have is for funeral expenses (hopefully not needed until life is extinct).
Not took out any new insurance since been diagnossed, i also have Asthma, and I few years ago I had to either pay a higher premium or take lower cover on a policy I took out because of it.
When i was diagnosed type 2 on diet and exercise we informed our car insurers and it made no differnece.
I'm with Norwich Union, pay 23 quid a month, they came in much, much lower than any other insurance company.
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