Life Insurance

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stephen oldfield

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hello everybody this is my 1st post as a type 1 diabetic so please be kind 🙂
i just wanted to know wether i needed to tell my insurance company that i have just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, ive had my life cover for illness and death for over 5 years and im just not sure where i stand do they need to be told ? i have people saying yes tell them and others saying no you dont need to because you had your insurance before you was diagnosed with diabetes :confused: if anybody has been in the same situation i would be very graetfull if could could give me some advise on what to do.


hi stephen and welcome the best thing to do is contact your insurance company , the thing you dont want is if it actually came to it and the person passed away and it was diabetes related and they company didnt know they would then not pay out
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I'm with Steph, check the fine print and with your insurance companies. I know there are amny people who wont insure people with pre existing medical conditions, but am not sure how it works if you are already insured.
probably best to tell them cause if you don't your policy may be invalid!?!

Although best to check small print first like others have said.

Could start a thread about Life Insurance, am thinking of getting it any hints on who's best to go with when one has a bloomin' disease that makes you a regular doon the hospital!!?????

PS Welcome aboard Steve O
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There are lots of things you can't get insurance cover if you have them, including asthma, thyroid problems and of course the dreaded (or dreadful?) D
Hi Stephen, You're in the best place for advice. I am fairly new to this forum myself (son type 1 since June) and in this short time, I have picked up so much information about Diabetes.

Talking about insurance. Does anyone know how travel insurance works for those with Diabetes? Does it cover everything else BUT 'D' or is the policy loaded to cover it.

And.... any useful advice re travelling? especially at the airport. I know we have to have a letter from our specialist (which we have) So I hope our son's insulins etc will all be OK.

hi janet if you look up top where it says members list calender new posts next to it it says search if you type travel insurance into there it will show you all the posts thaa have been discussed in the past i know its been brought up a few times

hope this helps x
In insurance terms, you have a duty of uberrima fides or utmost good faith which means you have to disclose anything which may be of importance even if it is not requested by the Insurer.

However, with life insurance, you have complied with that duty if you gave full disclosure at the time you took out the policy and paid the first premium, no matter what happens later. At the time the policy was written, the risk that you might develop diabetes (or any other illness) during the term of the policy was taken into account when the premium was set. That one of those risks has now crystallised is of no consequence.

However, if you are at all concerned, an informal chat with your broker might be useful.

You do have to tell your car insurer though.
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