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They aren’t very low carb then one roll weighs 75g
Ah but it doesn't claim to be low carb just low GI 🙂 The carb count isn't a lot different than ordinary white bread.
They aren’t very low carb then one roll weighs 75g
Just having a look at Tesco offerings, and looks like many of them are 50-60g per 100g (though several look like they have lower "of which sugars"). Not all, though. Warburtons Wholemeal Rolls 6 Pack look like they're 40.2g per 100g (22.5g per roll), so comparable.
I think I might be a bit dim, what is low gi compared with low carb?
I am pretty sure it’s Foods with a low glycemic index basically take longer to convert carbs to glucose. So you don’t see such a big spike after eating them more of a rolling hill.
If you look at a list of low GI foods then many of them will be high carbohydrate foods. For example, breads, cereals, pulses, pasta, dried fruits, some tropical fruits in fact many food which Type 2 diabetics need to be cautious of.
As Ian has said the low GI foods convert more slowly to glucose so even out the blood glucose levels in theory but that can vary between individuals as their gut bacteria will be different.
So it is very definitely not the same thing.
The Lidl low carb rolls were 9 gm per roll but the low GI ones are much higher and my glucose levels shoot up even with just half a roll.
Up here in Lancashire we have Booths stores which have a low GI loaf with 9 g
per slice and it is tasty !
I just sliced a large white bloomer for the rest of the family to have toast and jam for breakfast. It smelt wonderful. My BG probably went up by 2 from just smelling it.
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