Hello...bit of a specific query this one - I'm due to have a vitrectomy in one eye fairly soon - I have had laser for proliferative retinopathy in both eyes before, and have repeatedly passed (100%!) the visual field tests, despite on/off perpetual bleeds in one eye. The vitrectomy will be in that eye, which has had the most laser & will be to remove some post laser scarring which has snagged a blood vessel to the aim is overall to improve my vision (or at least stabilise it!). Noone has said anything about how long to not drive for, informing the DVLA etc etc post-op & I can't find anything useful on their website - does anyone have any useful experience to offer?! The next time I see the consultant will be on the big day! (Yes, I am widdling myself at the prospect of this op!)
Twitchy x
Twitchy x