LibreView issues after last night’s update

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a heads up for anyone who is having problems with LibreView reports on Pc/laptop/tablet, etc. After last night’s update to the platform by Abbott I found that all of my reports today were saying “No Data” even though I could see data when I downloaded the raw data into a csv file.

Whilst waiting for Abbott support I tried clearing cache on the browser and lo and behold - it worked and I could see my reports once more! Once I told them that they did say that these updates could cause the ”No Data” message and that clearing cache should resolve it - well thanks for the update after I told them!!

One thing I don’t like about the updated LibreView is that the reports are now all one long page that you scroll down. Hitting the report name takes you to that section showing you the report, but before the reports were all separate and you had a paging button to go down them. Not a major issue, just not quite as nice.

Anyway, hope this helps anyone who is getting similar problems!
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Oh yes, @Eternal422 , so it does! I hadn’t noticed, because when I did my last upload, I was in a hurry and only had a quick glance at the AGP, which still seems to be there. All the others come up with ' No data,' like you say. I’m a complete technophobe, will have to get son to look at it when he comes at the weekend. Though having said that, the AGP is the only page I really need.
Is it me, or have they got rid of the annoying 'recommendations for clinicians' which made crass suggestions like, 'Increasing medications may have caused hypos' No it wasn’t, it was the fact that I was up a mountain doing a lot of walking!
I always find it a bit patronising, like this time when I had to click on the new terms and conditions, it came up with a box that said 'Now you haven’t really read those to the bottom, have you?' Well of course not, because it went on to Ts and Cs for every single other country in the World. Why would I want to read what you can or can’t do with your Libre in Brazil?
@Robin - yes, the AGP report was still there for me too.

I had a chuckle about your comment of being up a mountain for the reason for hypos! Bit more impressive than me doing some weeding in the garden causing a hypo!
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