LibreLink recent major problems

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Is anyone else having major problems with LibreLink?

Over the last two sensors my phone (Google Pixel 6, running OS 14) has been losing the Libre sensor signal regularly and often.

This morning is two good examples - I was woken by a low glucose alarm at about 3am, I opened the app and the reading was on the screen, scanned the sensor and it had lost the signal, had something to eat and the signal was ok again. Now it's breakfast time and when I woke the app gave me a reading on screen about half an hour ago, but scanning the phone now it's lost the signal again.

Anyone else having these problems?

I'll be phoning Abbot later today....

I had almost precisely the sme this morning. First time. I have a 6a.

I waited, fidgeted a bit, scans said Wait 10 mins, tried a reboot and it came back. No problem since - fingers crosed.
The issue could be related to Android 14 which Abbott don't yet support and have failed to provide a date when they will when I've asked.

Togglin Bluetooth on an off might help.
When did you update to 14? Before or after the last sensor application?
Since my previous post, I haven't had any issues. In fact yesterday I left the phone in another room for too long and signal was lost. Maybe 10 minutes. When I collected it, the signal reconnected with no action from me.

Android 14, Pixel 6a.
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