LibreLink (on Android, at least) now reads Novopen Echo Plus and Novopen 6

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Bruce Stephens

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Bit irritating to scan but you only need to do it now and again. The way it appears in LibreView seems a bit confusing but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
Interesting stuff @Bruce Stephens

Good to hear that MDI tech is improving.
Bit irritating to scan but you only need to do it now and again. The way it appears in LibreView seems a bit confusing but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
Does it show on the app screen or just LibreView?

Any chance of a screen shot or two?

My CCG don't have it as available yet, but I would consider buying one myself if I felt it would populate the LL database correctly, IE add it to a Note in which I was including carbs.

I'm pessimistically expecting it to be an orphaned record just like the Accucheck Mobile link with MySugr when I tried it (years ago) - probably better now.
Does it show on the app screen or just LibreView?
It shows on both, but it's honestly not very exciting. I suspect it appears exactly as it does if you enter the doses manually. It appears on the default home screen and in the log book:
Thanks for that. Much as I expected, a new record with just the insulin. Not really that useful and an extra 'chore' to get it there.

As it happens, I can't have one on prescription yet so might just stick with my 10yo one until it expires. Had considered self funding, but for £50 pretty marginal.

Thanks again.
As it happens, I can't have one on prescription yet so might just stick with my 10yo one until it expires. Had considered self funding, but for £50 pretty marginal.
I agree it's marginal. For someone with a Novopen Echo (or Novopen 5) that's less than (say) 3 years old it's not worth asking for an Echo Plus just to get this. But when you're getting new pens anyway it makes sense to ask for the smart versions.
I agree it's marginal. For someone with a Novopen Echo (or Novopen 5) that's less than (say) 3 years old it's not worth asking for an Echo Plus just to get this. But when you're getting new pens anyway it makes sense to ask for the smart versions.
I asked for a bog standard Echo, as the battery had run down in my current one, and was prescribed an Echo plus. Not much use at the mo, because my Novorapid is still in a plain Echo, but maybe by the time that needs replacing, there'll be an all singing all dancing App that it’ll be useful for.
Not much use at the mo, because my Novorapid is still in a plain Echo, but maybe by the time that needs replacing, there'll be an all singing all dancing App that it’ll be useful for.
Maybe, but I think there's a limit on how valuable this can really be.

LibreView seems to show average daily usage of the two (or more) insulins, and that seems quite handy. I can estimate pretty easily but it's nice to have it actually measured. I guess it might (but probably doesn't) give an indication of when doses are increasing or decreasing over time and that might indicate something, though we all notice that anyway when basal doses need changing.

I think the Type 1 tech meeting had a talk where they said these smart pens improved outcomes, but I'm guessing that's just the basic features that the Echo (or Novopen 5) have: they help to avoid missing a dose or double dosing.
The way it appears in LibreView seems a bit confusing but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
It's grown on me. It shows clearly enough in the Daily views report, and also the weekly summary is clear enough. (Except that now and again (when I'm out late, usually) I give my "evening" Levemir slightly after midnight and that messes things up a bit since it counts in the next day.)

I can confirm that while there doesn't seem to be any attempt to automatically detect priming shots, you can edit the doses in Logbook and there's an option to mark doses as either the default Dose or Prime. And those marked Prime don't get counted in the Libreview report.
I can confirm that while there doesn't seem to be any attempt to automatically detect priming shots, you can edit the doses in Logbook and there's an option to mark doses as either the default Dose or Prime. And those marked Prime don't get counted in the Libreview report.

Have they removed the time limit on editing entries in the logbook now? That was something that put me off using Libre’s app for logging, because there was only a fairly short window after an entry had been created that it could be edited.

Would be good if they had removed that!
I thought the time limit for editing entries in the log only applied to the reader and it is 15 mins which is the only thing about using the reader which really bugs me. I may be wrong about that though as I have never used a phone with Librelink.
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